Great Leaps Forward: Modernizers in Africa, Asia, and Latin America

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Author: Cyrus Veeser

ISBN-10: 013199848X

ISBN-13: 9780131998483

Category: Historical Biography - Africa

Part of the Connections: Key Themes in World History series, this book presents students and general readers with a brief, accessible, but scholarly overview of the nationalist movements that sought to transform less-developed societies in response to the rapid rise of the West after 1820.

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Part of the Connections: Key Themes in World History series, this book presents students and general readers with a brief, accessible, but scholarly overview of the nationalist movements that sought to transform less-developed societies in response to the rapid rise of the West after 1820.

Foreword viiSeries Editor's Preface ixAbout The Author xiiiAcknowledgments xiiiIntroduction 1Definitions 2The West Invents Modernity 5Was there an Industrial Revolution? 6The Industrial Revolution and Western Power 8Shock and Awe in the Periphery 10The Premodern World 13From Premodern to Modern 16Coming to Grips with the West 18Catching the West: Precocious Egypt 19Catching the West: Meiji Japan 21The Periphery Fights Back 24Modernization in the Colonies 25The Structure of this Book 27Notes 291 Porfirio Díaz: Importing Modernity 31Spain's Jewel in the Crown 32Rich Colony 33Struggling Republic 34Years of Chaos 34La Reform and the French Invasion 36The Rise of Porfirio Diaz 37Diaz in Power 39Modernizing Mexico 40The Diaz System 41Premodern Mexico 43Railroads: Touchstones of Modernity 44The American Connection 45Exports versus Indians 46Indians and Immigrants 48Industrializing Mexico 48The New Economy Breeds Unrest 50Educating the Masses 50Toward the Revolution 51Sources 53Porfirio Díaz, Memorias 53Mexico through American Eyes 54A Cientifico Analyzes the Porfiriato 56Diaz Campaign Image 58Notes 582 Menelik II: Africa's Modernizing Lion 60An Ancient People 61An Ambitious King 62Appropriating European Power 63Italy's Empire in Africa 64Fortifying Shoa 65Menelik Becomes Emperor 66Imperial Rivalries 67The Battle of Adowa 69Suddenly "Civilized" 71Repercussions of Adowa 71Forging a Centralized State 72Economic Change 74Menelik's Concessions 75Conclusion 78Conclusion 78Sources80Menelik Writes to the King of Italy 80Ethiopia from a British Diplomat's Perspective 81Ethiopia's Economy through American Eyes 83Ethiopian Railroad Stock Certificate 86Notes 873 Sun Yatsen: Revolutionary Outsider 89The World's Greatest Premodern State 90Barbarians at the Gate 92Self-Strengthening to Save the Empire 93Sun Yatsen and the Overseas Chinese 94From Medicine to Politics 95From Reformer to Revolutionary 96Revolution from Afar 97The Boxers 98Blueprint for a New China 100A Decade of Change 102Creating the Republic 105Developing China 106A Second Revolution 108Unlikely Anti-Imperialist 109Redefining the Three Principles 110Conclusion 112Conclusion 112Sources 113Sun Yatsen Pleads for Reform, 1894 113Sun Yatsen Issues the Republican Manifesto, 1912 115Sun Yatsen Explains the Principle of Livelihood, 1912 117A Picture of Rural Life in China 119Notes 120Notes 1204 Mustafa Kemal: Muslim Modernity 122Europe's "Other" 123Early Efforts at Reform 124Reforming a Multicultural Empire 126The Rise of Mustafa Kemal 128The Young Turks 130Mustafa Kemal, War Hero 131From Empire to Republic 132A Revolutionary Republic 134The First Wave 135The New Woman 136Modernizing the Mind 137Reforming the Language 138"Turkification" or Westernization? 139Failed Opposition 140Modernizing the Economy 141Legacy of Reform 142Sources 144Mustafa Kami's Great Speech 144The Idea of the Republic 145Abolishing the Sultanate 146Suppressing the Republic's Enemies 147Early Reforms 148Notes 149Epilogue: Making Connections the Roads to Modernity 151Centralization 152Infrastructure and Industry 153Secularization 153National Identity 154Democracy 156Social Engineering 156Modernization and the Cold War 159Modernization or Westernization? 165Notes 167Bibliography 169Index 173