Guardians of the Sacred Way: The Path to Arthurian Fulfillment

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Author: Jill Kelly

ISBN-10: 1591430070

ISBN-13: 9781591430070

Category: General & Miscellaneous Religion

A channeled overview of the Celtic path of Arthurian fulfillment, a vision of personal and planetary transformation\ • Gives a detailed explanation and overview of the kingdoms of nature and the devic forces that comprise the Divine Mother's kingdom on Earth\ • Explains the Celtic calendar and the primary natural forms—animal, stone, tree, flower, plant, and bird—that are activated during the 16-month lunar cycle of emotional growth\ According to the Celtic Way, all spirit forces and forms of...

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A channeled overview of the Celtic path of Arthurian fulfillment, a vision of personal and planetary transformation• Gives a detailed explanation and overview of the kingdoms of nature and the devic forces that comprise the Divine Mother's kingdom on Earth• Explains the Celtic calendar and the primary natural forms--animal, stone, tree, flower, plant, and bird--that are activated during the 16-month lunar cycle of emotional growthAccording to the Celtic Way, all spirit forces and forms of nature are here to teach and support every individual in attaining his or her full wisdom status. In this way Earth can become a land of beloveds who have fully embodied the laws of love in sacred partnerships, each individual cocreating with the divine. This is the Arthurian fulfillment. It is only through meeting our innermost fears--our shadows and dragons--and transforming them into love that we may emerge as divine humans empowered to lift the entire planet closer to this sacred vision of the peaceable kingdom restored.Instructed by the guardians of the Other World, trees, animals, and other Earth spirits, Celtic scholar Jill Kelly outlines the cosmology of Celtic mysticism that orders the Divine Mother's kingdom on Earth and that calls humanity to awaken to its sacred potential. Guardians of the Celtic Way describes the 142 planes of the soul's descent into the separation from the One, explains the Celtic calendar and how the forces of nature interact with earthly cycles to assist us in bringing about spiritual fulfillment, and gently calls us to follow the Celtic path of ascension and establish Heaven on Earth.Jill Kelly, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist. She is the author of The Golden Fairy and The Lost Star Children of Ur and was creator of the radio series, The Cycle of Darkness is Over. She is the founder and director of the Homestar School in Oakland, Michigan, where she currently resides.

from the Introduction\ The Arthurian legends have always held me in a fascination. As a child I wrapped up in my silver-blue satin puff and imagined a prince who would come and take me away to love me forever. That was a dream I know now was meant to come true, for myself and for everyone on this planet. I have always had a wonder of Celtic ways as well, the lore and divination, the fine details of archeological research, the ancient stone barrows and circles that held secrets I could sense, but could not reach. I had no idea at the outset how my path of experience and inner teachings would turn the old written druid lessons inside out . . .\ The past six years have marked accelerated growth and spiritual change for me. . . . The result was a steady and straight path of change, facing fears as they appeared in my life, persevering in my clearing practice despite great obstacles, and holding fast to Christ. It has not been an easy journey; the inner fears are ancient and deep. It brought me into a spiritual warriorship, a gradual self-empowerment in the face of darkness, a slowly emerging self-love, and a deep and abiding love of The Christ/Magdalene in All.\ Perhaps the most delightful part of this journey has been the intimate acquaintance of a wide variety of nature spirits; from beetle to dragonflies, trees to rivers, flowers of all descriptions, and the clothing, cooking and home devas and djinns who help me constantly. They have appeared unexpectedly in my daily life for several years now, sharing their wisdom, their boundless joy (especially grasshoppers!), and their devotion to The All . . .\ While I channeled the voice of The Guardians coming through in the overall text (set my own self aside and listened and wrote as quickly as I could), I heard the the individual voices of the specific deva and djinn who create a single form when I focused on an individual tree or plant or other single form. On occasion, it was the group voice of trees or flowers that I heard. Let the context be your guide. . .\ from Chapter 1: The Celtic Vows\ There was a time before time when the waters of the cosmic sea were visible. One could sail to paradise and back, visit brothers and sisters in many worlds. Those days have passed, for it was necessary to grow the great kingdom of humanity in separation from the consciousness of the All. But now humankind has grown to the level that the seas can once more be revealed, the pathways opened, the human hearts that long for connection to be freed from their bondage. We, the Celts of old, the spirit forms in man, animal, tree, stone, fire, river and sea have vowed to protect, guard and keep The Mother’s Kingdom, to preserve its sanctity and gentle peace, which heals all pain, all memory of pain. We ache for your return. We have kept this vow, maintaining the isolated temples of stone, of tree, of river and sea for tomorrow’s children in deep respect and memory of The Living Mother Goddess . . .\ All who would follow the Celtic way and enter once again the great gateway into Her cosmic temple, must take and keep Her vows. They are ancient and sacred. Misuse will be met with instant return of the same to the sender. The Mother’s peace is inviolable, Her laws immutable, Her Love unsurpassable. Listen well . . .\ The Mother wishes you to know that each one of the hue-men and women, at their attainment of wisdom and entrance into Her Kingdom, will be blessed beyond your current comprehension. You will walk among us as most highly revered teachers and saints. We are in awe at the great weight you have each carried with strength, with dignity and responsibility, to and beyond the breaking point. It is this capacity which brings you closest to the likeness of The One-In-All and this is recognized and revered. Great joy and the greatest treasures of Love be yours, each and every one. You are so deeply and dearly loved!\ from Chapter 2: The Tree Kingdom: Wisdom Keepers\ We of the tree kingdom, are joyful at the opportunity to speak at last. We are thankful to the mind that listens and translates our thoughts for humanity to hear and understand.\ The first thing we must say is, though these chapters are grouped by the great kingdoms in The Earth Mother’s world of form, all such divisions are never hard and fast. We are all interrelated and work together in service to The One, to Love. But each kingdom or group consciousness has its own purpose, its own forward focus or mission.\ We of the tree kingdom are the great keepers of wisdom. It is important to state that wisdom is not the same as knowledge and, while we are actively involved in the distribution of knowledge through our contribution to the making of books and paper, our highest aim is to help humanity attain their level and lessons of wisdom. We are directed by the Morrigan, who some call Sophia. We bring the energies of these lessons of experience through our etheric channels into our heartwood and, from there, breathe them out into the air that surrounds you. Even the wood in your home is still breathing, though at a slower rate. And the intuitions you have are a direct result of our work in the world. The trees surrounding your place of living or work, the woods you choose for your furniture can tell you a great deal about the teachings you are being given at this time in your life. They are your current teachers of the lessons of the heart, chosen specifically for you by The Christ to bring you Home.

Foreword by Richard Gerber, M.D.Introduction: My Own Love1. The Celtic Vows2. The Invisible Structures of the Universe: The Great Heart Light Flowing to all Worlds3. The Tree Kingdom: Wisdom Keepers4. The Stone People: Astrologers5. Path of Experience: The Labyrinth, Dragon Slayer’s Path6. Animal: The Warrior’s Way, Path of Justice7. Plant: The Learned Ones, Keepers of the Sacred Druid Groves8. Father Sun, Mother Moon: Transformation9. The Mother's Kingdom: Peace on Earth, Creativity, and Love10. Community and Family: Freedom of the Spirit Child11. The Earth: The Fairy Kingdom, Dragon Power, Creative Flow12. The Arthurian Promise: The Fulfillment, Bird13. Our Wish For YouGlossary

\ From the Publisher\ “To those rare gifted individuals with clairvoyant vision, there is a higher aspect of nature that usually remains hidden from the rest of us--the devic kingdom. . . . Here is the channeled transmission of messages from this spiritual kingdom of nature, a story of love and sacrifice and the gifts given to humanity with the intention of helping us in our pain and suffering.”\ \