Healing Remedies: More Than 1,000 Natural Ways to Relieve Common Ailments, from Arthritis and Allergies to Diabetes, Osteoporosis, and Many Others!

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Author: Lydia Wilen

ISBN-10: 034550335X

ISBN-13: 9780345503350

Category: Alternative Medicine - General & Miscellaneous

A PRACTICAL, SAFE, TIME-TESTED, AND EFFECTIVE A-TO-Z GUIDE TO NATURAL HEALING REMEDIES\ For years, sisters Joan Wilen and Lydia Wilen have been collecting and incredible home remedies. These range from old treatments that have been passed down for centuries (but forgotten by modern medicine) to methods recently uncovered by doctors and medical researchers. Healing Remedies combines the best entries from the Wilens’ Chicken Soup & Other Folk Remedies books, plus a significant amount of new...

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A PRACTICAL, SAFE, TIME-TESTED, AND EFFECTIVE A-TO-Z GUIDE TO NATURAL HEALING REMEDIESFor years, sisters Joan Wilen and Lydia Wilen have been collecting and incredible home remedies. These range from old treatments that have been passed down for centuries (but forgotten by modern medicine) to methods recently uncovered by doctors and medical researchers. Healing Remedies combines the best entries from the Wilens’ Chicken Soup & Other Folk Remedies books, plus a significant amount of new material, including sections on diabetes, osteoporosis, ADD, anxiety, and children’s common ailments–from colic and diaper rash to tantrums and teething. Also, check out these other remarkable remedies:• Eating two pectin-packed apples a day may help lower blood pressure.• For an energy boost, slap the inside of your elbows and the back of your knees.• Eating one-half avocado a day may lower cholesterol by up to 42 percent.• Vaporize a headache by bringing a cup of apple cider vinegar to a slow boil, then put a towel over your head, bend over the pot at a safe distance, and inhale/exhale through your nose for about 10 minutes.• To tone up your circulatory system and strengthen your heart, pretend to vigorously conduct an orchestra for 10 minutes a day.• To improve your memory, pop six raw almonds a day.• Add pizzazz to your sex life by consuming any fruit beginning with p: peaches, plums, pears, pineapple, papaya, and persimmon.• Practice “girth control” by killing your cravings with pure grape juice.Though not meant as a substitute for doctor’s visits, this amazing guide also features special sections on men’s health challenges, especially prostate concerns, and women’s symptom relief, from cramps and morning sickness to vaginitis and hot flashes. Remedies galore–and more–are at your fingertips! Publishers Weekly Collecting the authors' Chicken Soup & Other Folk Remedies and More Chicken Soup & Other Folk Remedies, this volume, something of a Prairie Home Companion-style health manual, includes new and revised material addressing such topics as ADD and ADHD, children's health, osteoporosis and diabetes. The sisters Wilen offer brief entries with homespun solutions, many herbal based, for an alphabetical listing of concerns from asthma, colds and fainting to headaches, smoking and weight control. In many cases, however, the Wilens give little explanation for a remedy's effect (for example, taking oregano for depression "has a way of lifting one's spirits" and eating sauerkraut may prevent sciatica). Beyond specific cures, there are some all-around wonder workers: the "good-bye dear" morning kiss, bee pollen, the ancient grain salba and singing among them. Although well-meaning, this compendium of folk medicine has a few unsettling moments (for instance, the Wilens' comment on depression that "staying in a funk" is a choice, and the injunction to "order your body to heal itself"). Such comments will leave even those committed to natural healing grateful for the science that has brought medicine into the 21st century. (Dec.)Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

\ Publishers WeeklyCollecting the authors' Chicken Soup & Other Folk Remedies and More Chicken Soup & Other Folk Remedies, this volume, something of a Prairie Home Companion-style health manual, includes new and revised material addressing such topics as ADD and ADHD, children's health, osteoporosis and diabetes. The sisters Wilen offer brief entries with homespun solutions, many herbal based, for an alphabetical listing of concerns from asthma, colds and fainting to headaches, smoking and weight control. In many cases, however, the Wilens give little explanation for a remedy's effect (for example, taking oregano for depression "has a way of lifting one's spirits" and eating sauerkraut may prevent sciatica). Beyond specific cures, there are some all-around wonder workers: the "good-bye dear" morning kiss, bee pollen, the ancient grain salba and singing among them. Although well-meaning, this compendium of folk medicine has a few unsettling moments (for instance, the Wilens' comment on depression that "staying in a funk" is a choice, and the injunction to "order your body to heal itself"). Such comments will leave even those committed to natural healing grateful for the science that has brought medicine into the 21st century. (Dec.)\ Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.\ \