Herbert Spencer's Sociology

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Author: Jay Rumney

ISBN-10: 0202361675

ISBN-13: 9780202361673

Category: European & American Philosophy

The republication of this book is eminently fitting at this time. It is a valuable, and most readable contribution to a subject meriting renewed reflection. Jay Rumney's Herbert Spencer's Sociology first appeared in 1937. In that year Talcott Parsons, citing Crane Brinton, declared: "Spencer is dead. But who killed him and how?" It was the thesis of Parsons' famous The Structure of Social Action that the evolution of scientific theory had put an end to Spencer. For more than a generation the...

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The republication of this book is eminently ?tting at this time. Jay Rumney's Herbert Spencer's Sociology ?rst appeared in 1937. In that year Talcott Parsons, citing Crane Brinton, declared: "Spencer is dead. But who killed him and how?" It was the thesis of Parsons' famous The Structure of Social Action that the evolution of scienti?c theory had put an end to Spencer. For more than a generation the man whose name had been synonymous with sociology was, or so it seemed, repressed and forgotten.