Higher Education?: How Colleges Are Wasting Our Money and Failing Our Kids---and What We Can Do About It

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Author: Andrew Hacker

ISBN-10: 0805087346

ISBN-13: 9780805087345

Category: Educational Finance

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What's gone wrong at our colleges and universities and how to get American higher education back on track A quarter of a million dollars. It's the going tab for four years at ... The New York Times - Steven Knapp Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus have written a lucid, passionate and wide-ranging book on the state of American higher education and what they perceive as its increasing betrayal of its primary mission—for them, the teaching of undergraduates. That both are academics—one a well-known professor (Mr. Hacker) and the other consigned to the adjunct, or what they call "contingent," faculty…provides them with memorable, often acerbic anecdotes…These anecdotes take the edge off the polemical intensity a reader might expect from the book's title…