Homecoming Queers: Desire and Difference in Chicana Latina Cultural Production

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Author: Marivel T. Danielson

ISBN-10: 0813545714

ISBN-13: 9780813545714

Category: American & Canadian Literature

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Homecoming Queers provides a critical discussion of the multiple strategies used by queer Latina authors and artists in the United States to challenge silence and invisibility within mainstream media, literary canons, and theater spaces. Marivel T. Danielson's analysis reveals the extensive legacy of these cultural artists, including novelists, filmmakers, students and activists, comedians, performers, and playwrights. By clearly discussing the complexities and universalities of ethnic, racial, sexual, gender, and class intersections between queer Chicana and U.S. Latinas, Danielson explores the multiple ways identity shapes and shades creative expression.

Queering Home Speaking Selves Moving Violations The Birdy and the Bees Complicating Community The Erotics of Home Dancing with Devils Live Theory