Hope against Hope: Johann Baptist Metz and Elie Wiesel Speak out on the Holocaust

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Author: Ekkehard Schuster

ISBN-10: 0809138468

ISBN-13: 9780809138463

Category: Holocaust Biographies

There are probably no two men of such stature who can speak to the Holocaust as Christian theologian Johann Baptist Metz, author of A Passion for God and Jewish writer, Nobel laureate and human rights activist, Elie Wiesel, author of Night. One was drafted into the German army at the age of fifteen; the other was interned at Auschwitz. Both came from upbringings of deep faith, only to have their lives broken by the horrors they witnessed during the war. Both share the sense that the Holocaust...

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There are probably no two men of such stature who can speak to the Holocaust as Christian theologian Johann Baptist Metz, author of A Passion for God and Jewish writer, Nobel laureate and human rights activist, Elie Wiesel, author of Night. One was drafted into the German army at the age of fifteen; the other was interned at Auschwitz. Both came from upbringings of deep faith, only to have their lives broken by the horrors they witnessed during the war. Both share the sense that the Holocaust is a rift in history itself, after which nothing could ever be seen in the same way as before. Yet for both, there is hope..."nonetheless."

About This BookJohann Baptist MetzBiographical Notes3The Church Today: Between Resignation and Hope7Theological Interruptions12Philosophical-Theological Encounters - Formative Figures18Narrative and Memory - Aesthetics and Ethics29The Question of Time and Suffering unto God38Notes50Suggested Readings53Elie WieselBiographical Notes59To Be a Jew - Hope from Remembrance63Literary and Religious Teachers68Interrupting Language: The Experience of Auschwitz73An Ethic Drawn from Memory82Wrestling with God91Notes103Suggested Readings104