How to Draw Horses

from $0.00

Author: John Green

ISBN-10: 0486467597

ISBN-13: 9780486467597

Category: Art Techniques & Activities

Aspiring Picassos will be champing at the bit to get started hands on this simplified guide to drawing horses. The series of step-by-step, black-and-white illustrations will show kids how to transform lines, curves and geometric shapes into such diverse breeds as the Clydesdale, Arabian, Pinto, Lippizaner, and Palamino, teaching as it entertains. Includes blank practice pages.

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Step-by-step, black-and-white illustrations show kids how to transform lines, curves, and geometric shapes into such diverse breeds as the Clydesdale, Arabian, Pinto, Lippizaner, Palamino, Hanoverian, Percheron, and Thoroughbred.