How to Make Real Money in Second Life: Boost Your Business, Market Your Services and Sell Your Products in the World's Hottest Virtual Community

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Author: Robert Freedman

ISBN-10: 0071508252

ISBN-13: 9780071508254

Category: Online Gaming

SIGN ON. SAY HELLO.\ \ \ \ \ START MAKING MONEY.\ \ \ \ \ \ With a population in the millions and a monthly growth rate of 20 percent, Second Life® is a virtual 3-D world bursting with opportunities in areas like real estate, legal practice, and marketing, corporate connections, and people just like you. This all-in-one guide will show you, step by step, how to use Second Life as an alternative marketplace. Learn how to:\ \ \ \ • Create a cool avatar and connect with residents\ \ • Adapt your...

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SIGN ON. SAY HELLO. START MAKING MONEY.With a population in the millions and a monthly growth rate of 20 percent, Second Life® is a virtual 3-D world bursting with opportunities in areas like real estate, legal practice, and marketing, corporate connections, and people just like you. This all-in-one guide will show you, step by step, how to use Second Life as an alternative marketplace. Learn how to:• Create a cool avatar and connect with residents• Adapt your business for the virtual environment• Play for profit--and bring your dreams to life

Introduction: Welcome, Bewildered Traveler     viiIf You Haven't Heard About Second Life, You Will, So What's It All About?     1Time to Hang Your Shingle     3What Kind of Shingle Should You Hang?     6The Basics, or Why People Take Their Second Chance on Second Life So Seriously     11How You Get to This Point     14What Do You Need To Know, and Why Do You Need to Know It?     17Separating Yourself from Your Avatar     21Avoiding the Third Rail of Second Life: First Steps     25Don't Expect Too Much     26Don't Take Away the Fun     31A Few Words About Markets, the Law, Labor, and Banks     41Second Life's Three Markets: Currency, Real Estate, and Equities     42A Note on the Legal Status of Anything You Create in Second Life     45A Quick Word on the Platform's Labor Market     47Yes, There Are Banks     52A Look at Some Test Models     55The Anti-Cool Approach, Or How An Accounting Firm Becomes Hip     56Attorney Business Development in a New Key     60Taming the Wild West in Real Estate     64They "Saw it in Second Life": The Real Estate Bridge from in-World to Your World     72NotYour Teenager's Web: Leveraging the Platform to Create Pure Escapism     74Social Internet 3.0 in 3-D Space     77Giving Universal Design a Whole New Meaning     81With Promo Blast, Marketing Floodgates Open     84The Starting Point for You     91The Bottom Line     97Putting It All Together: One Sample Approach     98What Harvard Business Review Thinks of All This     107Is a Tax Audit in Your Future?     127Ownership Vs. Terms of Service     137Selected Second Life Early Adopters     201Selected Second Life Development and Marketing Consultants     207Notes     211Index     221Acknowledgments     229