Humour The Computer

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Author: Andrew J. Davison

ISBN-10: 0262540754

ISBN-13: 9780262540759

Category: Computers -> Humor

You don't have to have a degree in computer science to enjoy this unique collection of funny stories, parodies, laughable true-life incidents, comic song lyrics, and jokey poems from the world of computing. Humour the Computer brings together a selection of some of the best computer-related humorous material culled from a variety of sources: news groups and FTP sites on the Internet, The New Yorker, Punch, New Scientist, BYTE, Datamation, Communications of the ACM, The Journal of...

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You don't have to have a degree in computer science to enjoy this unique collection of funny stories, parodies, laughable true-life incidents, comic song lyrics, and jokey poems from the world of computing. Humour the Computer brings together a selection of some of the best computer-related humorous material culled from a variety of sources: news groups and FTP sites on the Internet, The New Yorker, Punch, New Scientist, BYTE, Datamation, Communications of the ACM, The Journal of Irreproducible Results, and many more. Among other topics, the 70-odd assorted writings embrace the impact of computing on our lives, hilarious hardware, silly software, first encounters with computing, computer companies that we love, programming pains, and absurd academia.

PrefaceMoby Dick 2.11A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams on Avian Carriers3A Problem in the Making5How I Bought My First Computer7BOFH (Part 1)10The Generic Word Processor12Natural Upgrade Path17The Case of the Bogus Expert (Part 1)19Ordinary People Tell How They Use Their Personal Computers20I am the Very Model of a Genius Computational22Zork, RAMS and the Curse of Ra: Computo, ergo sum22Laptop in Colombo puts Campbell in the Soup25Masters of Computer Science26You'd Better Love Your BLANK Computer: The Generic Computer Book27Shakespeare on Programming29Evil Aliens Control IBM30Mother Should Have Warned You!33BOFH (Part 2)34Latest Sun and IBM Announcements36Twelve Ways to Fool the Masses When Giving Performance Results on Parallel Computers38The Case of the Bogus Expert (Part 2)42Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal43Gateway To Heaven54Zen and the Art of Software Documentation55The Unix Philosophy57Field Replacable Mouse Balls59Babbage - The Language of the Future60Gulliver's Computer63"Uncle Bill" is in the Driver's Seat!65Breathlock Service To Go Companywide66To My Darling Husband68Computer-based Predictive Writing69Making Your Serviceman Feel Welcome72Man, Bytes, Dog73Microsloshed Walls76The Tin Men77A Users View From The Trailing Edge82Lisp: They May Also Serve, Who Decline to Enlist87The Case of the Bogus Expert (Part 3)88Alternatives to OSI89A Salutory Tale of Software Development94You Get What You Pay For?97You Can't Fool'em Down On The Farm!101BOFH (Part 3)102ADA: The Devil's Work104Netmail Spreads Common Cold105I Know What's Wrong With My Computer!106What is Technical Harassment?107I'm Just A Two-bit Programmer On A Sixteen-bit Machine108If Architects Had to Work Like Programmers109VAX and IBM111The Australian Fifth Degeneration Project116An Ancient Rope-And-Pulley Computer Is Unearthed In The Jungle of Apraphul117The VAXorcist125Small Ads133La Boite Bleue134The Difference Between Hardware and Software135User Friendly? You Must be Joking136A Day in the Life of a Network Manager137The Complexity of Songs139Write in C146A Simplified Guide To Hardware Maintenance147A Linguistic Contribution to Goto-Less Programming150BOFH (Part 4)154The How-To-Choose-A-Computer-Book Book157The Case of the Bogus Expert (Part 4)161A Parable About Generality in Architecture163Taking a Stroll Down Babel Street165Please Remove This Label168Productivity in Computer Science170Is Big Beautiful: Some Computer Cartoons From The 1960's173Creators Admit Unix And C Were A Hoax178The Uzi Versus the Computer180The Church of the Cyber-Spiritualists181Personal Computing188BOFH (Part 5)191Out of the Mouths of Babes193Computers Don't Argue195Transcripts from the General Motors HelpLine210Related Reading211