Hypnotherapy: A Client-Centered Approach

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Author: Mary Lee Labay

ISBN-10: 1589800524

ISBN-13: 9781589800526

Category: Clinical Psychology

"I would like to commend the book Hypnotherapy unreservedly. Mary Lee LaBay has managed to do what few others have--write an authoritative work on hypnotherapy that is an enjoyable and easy read. Mary Lee has disseminated very complicated concepts in a pragmatic way that will be of use to both student and experienced hypnotherapist alike. As an instructor of hypnotherapy, I will be placing this work at the top of our recommended reading list."\ --Shaun Brookhouse, M.A. (Ed), D.C.H., Ph.D.,...

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In an introduction to the therapeutic use of hypnotism, a certified clinical hypnotherapist and Neuro-linguistic Programming practitioner in Bellevue, Washington demystifies the practice, discusses clinical practice and techniques for successful work with clients, and presents case studies. Annotation (c)2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Foreword9Introduction11Part IThe Clinical PracticeChapter 1Understanding Hypnosis27Chapter 2Levels of Trance32Chapter 3Imagination36Chapter 4The Intake Interview39Chapter 5The Office Atmosphere44Chapter 6Interviewing the Client47Chapter 7Ingredients of Successful Hypnotherapy51Chapter 8Therapeutic Communication59Chapter 9What Clients Communicate64Chapter 10Marketing Your Business74Part IITechniques of HypnosisChapter 11Fundamentals of Hypnotizing a Client79Chapter 12Suggestibility Tests86Chapter 13Techniques of Hypnotic Communication90Chapter 14Induction Techniques96Chapter 15Techniques for Deepening the Trance107Chapter 16Completing the Hypnosis Session115Chapter 17Submodalities118Chapter 18Guided Imagery, Suggestions, and Metaphor121Chapter 19Reverse Metaphor127Chapter 20Regression Therapy132Chapter 21Secondary Gains137Chapter 22Parts Therapy141Chapter 23Object Imagery148Chapter 24Ideosensory and Ideomotor Signals154Chapter 25Inner Child Work159Chapter 26Personality Part Retrieval164Chapter 27Chair Therapy166Chapter 28Outcome-Based Therapies170Chapter 29Reframing179Chapter 30Dissociation184Chapter 31Desensitization189Chapter 32The Swish192Chapter 33Anchors196Chapter 34The Empowerment Symbol202Chapter 35The Circle of Excellence205Chapter 36Using a Role Model208Chapter 37Time Line Therapies210Part IIISelected Case StudiesChapter 38Case #1: Jeanette217Chapter 39Case #2: Tanya223Chapter 40Case #3: Maria240Chapter 41Case #4: Jolene256Chapter 42Case #5: Joseph259Chapter 43Case #6: Lucille266Chapter 44Case #7: John274Chapter 45Case #8: Roberta279Chapter 46Case #9: Frank289Bibliography299Index301