I Had the Strangest Dream...: The Dreamer's Dictionary for the 21st Century

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Author: Kelly Sullivan Walden

ISBN-10: 044669603X

ISBN-13: 9780446696036

Category: Dreams & Dream Interpretation

It's a double-caf low-fat Frappuccino-kind of world, and all that bustle doesn't stop just because it's time for bed. While you sleep, your mind is busy going over everything you've experienced during the day. Now, with the only dream book that interprets both classic and new twenty-first century symbols - everything from speed dating and Botox to text messages and iPods - you can tap into your unconscious with the turn of a page. Discover the messages hidden in your dreams, your hopes, your...

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It's a double-caf low-fat Frappuccino-kind of world, and all that bustle doesn't stop just because it's time for bed. While you sleep, your mind is busy going over everything you've experienced during the day. Now, with the only dream book that interprets both classic and new twenty-first century symbols - everything from speed dating and Botox to text messages and iPods - you can tap into your unconscious with the turn of a page. Discover the messages hidden in your dreams, your hopes, your fears, your unrealized strengths and potential. You'll learn how to recognize life-altering opportunities and become the person you've always dreamed of being.

I Had the Strangest Dream ... The Dreamer's Dictionary for the 21st Century\ \ By Kelly Sullivan Walden \ WARNER BOOKS\ Copyright © 2006 Kelly Sullivan Walden\ All right reserved.\ ISBN: 0-446-69603-X \ \ \ Chapter One\ A\ AA Dreams of AA signify support and that you are taking steps in the right direction. They are either a wake-up call to join this 12-step program, or to step up your participation in your spiritual path. See Alcohol and 12-step Program.\ Abandonment If you dream of being left behind, then this is a venting dream helping you to release your abandonment issues. A dream of abandonment is giving you the message that when you stop leaving yourself, as in energetically abandoning yourself, then your fears of others leaving you will leave you. The dream could also denote that you are abandoning an aspect of the past that no longer serves you, or that you desire freedom from responsibilities, worry, control, and inhibitions.\ Abdomen The abdomen represents the third chakra, the solar plexus, self-empowerment, and creativity. If you dream of pain in your stomach, you are processing through your blocks to creativity and self-empowerment. See Stomach.\ Abduction Dreams of abduction symbolize a fear of being carried away and influenced in a way that could be harmful to you. Perhaps you are processing through feelingsof overwhelm or of being overpowered by someone in your life. If you dream that you are the abductor, then the dream reflects your desire to control a person or situation in your life. See Kidnap.\ Abortion Dreams of an abortion are about the elimination or interruption of a new relationship, idea, project, or a literal pregnancy. Your subconscious mind may be telling you that just because you are going through a challenge, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. If there is sorrow or fear connected to the dream, then take heart in knowing that which is real can never die because the soul lives on forever.\ Absence Dreams of the absence of someone you love denote that you are grieving and/or processing a loss and/or transition in your relationship. They are also a reflection of your feelings and attitudes about commitment and a message to become more present in your life.\ Abundance Dreams of abundance signify that conditions of wealth abound, and that love, success, fortune, and good things are coming into your life. You are awakening to your infinite nature. See Wish Fulfillment Dreams, page 18.\ Abuse Dreams of abuse are venting dreams about control, or the lack thereof. If you dream of being the victim of abuse, then you are venting your connection to the victim archetype and are coming to terms with your own power. You are realizing that it is time either to stand up for yourself or to remove yourself from a nonsupportive situation. If you dream of being the abuser, then you are venting your frustration and rage at feeling out of control. Your subconscious mind may be cautioning you to take responsibility for your feelings and actions and treat others the way you'd like to be treated. Dreams of abuse also reflect the way you treat yourself. See Venting Dreams, page 8.\ Abyss A dream of an abyss means that you are connecting with your deeper nature, going beyond the superficial to where your inner rivers run deep and you feel your connection with the soul of the world. If you are afraid of this abyss, then the dream is assisting you to process fears of death, overwhelm, inadequacy, or your own powers.\ Accelerator Dreams of an accelerator symbolize the need for speed and your desire to move forward in your life with velocity toward your goals.\ Accent An accent in a dream denotes qualities of the country in which the accent is heard. Perhaps you have a desire to stand out in a crowd. Also, a dream about an accent can represent your desire to connect to your heritage or family bloodline.\ Accessories Dreams of accessories signify that you are aware of magic that lies in the details of your life, love, affection, and a desire to stand out and have a touch of style. Alternatively, dreams of accessories could represent a feeling of insecurity that would cause you to overcompensate for what you feel is missing. See Bling Bling.\ Accident A dream of an accident signifies that you need to pay more attention to what you are doing. This venting dream also indicates a desire for perfection and a fear of making a mistake.\ Accordion Dreams of an accordion represent festivities, happiness, and joy. The movement of the accordion suggests that you are connecting with the cycles of life. See Musical Instrument.\ Accosting If you are accosted in your dream, then you are releasing your fear of being harmed, hurt, or overpowered. If you dream of accosting someone, then you are exposing and/or releasing aggression and your need to control in a way that has negative consequences.\ Account Dreams of an account are about self-worth, checks, and balances. Consider if your emotional/spiritual account is abundant, overdrawn, or balanced. Dreams of an account may be a message to give yourself credit where credit is due, and to be more generous with praise and acknowledgment.\ Accountant Dreams of an accountant represent the need to connect with the aspect of you that is logical, reasonable, detached, organized, and detail oriented. This dream may signify that it is time to get into balance with your giving and receiving.\ Accusing To dream of accusing reflects guilt, blame, shame, and an unwillingness to take personal responsibility for your life. Dreaming of this offers you the opportunity to own an aspect of your power that you have yet to embrace as you come to realize that blaming or accusing someone for your pain only adds insult to injury.\ Ace An ace signifies success and that you are tapping into your natural genius that will help you win in the game of life. You are feeling like a winner. See Gambling and Trump Card.\ Achievement Dreams of achievement denote that you have been pushing yourself to discover your personal best and are striving for excellence. A dream of achievement may be a message to celebrate your accomplishments and to prepare for success that is forthcoming. See Wish Fulfillment Dreams, page 18.\ Acid Dreams of acid mean that your anger and unexpressed emotions are eating at you. Your subconscious mind is telling you to find a healthy form of expression.\ Acne Dreams of acne represent shame, self-criticism, unexpressed rage, and that something is boiling under the surface and it is ready to be popped.\ Acorn Dreams of an acorn symbolize great potential. Because the blueprint for the oak tree resides within this tiny seed, an acorn represents the fact that your highest destiny is already alive within you.\ Acrobat To dream of an acrobat symbolizes flexibility and your ability to accommodate the desires of the people in your life. It can be symbolic of being head over heals in love with someone.\ Across Dreaming of someone being across from you can represent qualities that person is mirroring back to you. He or she may be reflecting your beauty, or an aspect of your shadow you have yet to embrace.\ Acrylic Nails Dreams of acrylic nails reflect manufactured ambition and a message to soften your approach to reaching for what you want in life. See Finger and Nail.\ Act To dream of putting on an act represents inauthenticity and fear that if you let your true feelings show you will be rejected. A dream of an act is bringing to light the roles you play to get what you need and want in life. See Mask and Play.\ Actor/Actress Dreams of an actor or actress represent the archetypes you embody, or the roles you play in life. If you dream of an actor or actress you admire, the dream is revealing qualities that you like most about yourself or aspire to embody. If the actor or actress represents qualities that you dislike, then the dream is assisting you to embrace your shadow. See Famous, Celebrity. See also Integration Dreams, page 10.\ Adam and Eve Dreams of Adam and Eve symbolize sexual innocence, temptation, and having all your needs met but your still wanting more. You are on a quest for knowledge and you are expanding and exploring your boundaries. These dreams may be telling you to appreciate what you have instead of coveting that which you don't. See Yin and Yang.\ ADD/ADHD A dream of ADD or ADHD denotes that you've been allowing yourself to become distracted from your goals. Perhaps you've lost your focus, and the dream is giving you the message to seek support in getting yourself back on track.\ Addiction Dreams of addiction are about insatiability or the need for comfort, a quick fix to take the pain away. Keep in mind that within all addictions is a craving for a higher source. See AA, Drugs and 12-step Program.\ Address Dreams of an address represent your place in life, your influence on others, your career, status, your self-concept, and identity. If you dream of a former address, then you are releasing past identities or you may be processing moments from the past when you lived at this address. Consider what the numbers add up to. See Number.\ Administrator Dreams of an administrator signify that you are taking responsibility for your life and assuming your authority. These dreams might also reflect your issues with authority figures.\ Admiral Dreams of an admiral signify that you are standing at the helm of your life, claiming your authority, power, confidence, seaworthiness, and leadership.\ Adolescence Dreams of adolescence denote that you are in touch with your passion, eagerness, impetuousness, sexuality, and perhaps rebellion against social rules. Also, you may be going through a transition and a growth spurt, and you are feeling geeky and awkward in your own skin. See Breakdown/Breakthrough Dreams, page 12.\ Adoption If you dream of being adopted, then you are grappling with feelings of belonging, abandonment, betrayal, and worthiness. If you dream of adopting a child, this may reflect that you are adopting a new habit or point of view.\ Adult Dreaming of an adult signifies that you are embracing the process of growing, the courage it takes to be responsible, mature, and sensible. For some, being an adult represents freedom; for others it represents a burden.\ Adultery Dreams of adultery represent your internal struggle with loyalty, guilt, shame, commitment, and promiscuity. Perhaps there is a quality that is missing from an intimate relationship of yours or in your business, and dreaming of adultery is showing you what qualities to cultivate within yourself. If you are grappling with "the grass is greener" syndrome, a dream of adultery may help you to process your feelings and give you a clearer perspective before you do something that you might regret.\ Adventure If you enjoy an adventure in a dream, then this indicates a positive and healthy approach to change. If you do not enjoy an adventure you dream of, then this indicates your resistance and reaction to changes that are taking place in your life.\ Adversary See Enemy and Integration Dreams, page 10.\ Adversity Dreams of adversity reflect your resistance to change and an unwillingness to accept what is. Because solutions are inherent in every problem, dreams of adversity denote your desire to find the solutions you seek. See Breakdown/Breakthrough Dreams, page 12.\ Advertisement Dreams of an advertisement signify that you are promoting and selling yourself, and that you desire recognition and status. Dreaming of an advertisement may be cautioning you to read between the lines and to not be easily seduced by the marketing campaigns of the people and products in your life. Alternatively, the dream may be a headline written for you from your higher self. See Sign.\ Advice The advice that you give to someone in a dream is always intended for yourself. Consider the advice and take your own medicine.\ Aerobics Dreams of aerobics are a sign to get your life into shape and to get a jump on your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical fitness. See Exercise and Step Aerobics.\ Affection Dreams of kisses, hugs, and compliments symbolize affinity, love, and connection. Consider the person for whom you are feeling affection and remember that that person reflects an aspect of you that you adore. See Kiss.\ Affiliate Link Dreams of an affiliate link signify that you are actively supporting people and are being rewarded for it. You are realizing the reciprocation process-that which you give comes back to you tenfold. See Karma.\ Afraid If you dream of being afraid, then you are venting your feelings of overwhelm and inadequacy to handle the circumstances you face. See Venting Dreams, page 8.\ Africa Dreams of Africa symbolize a desire to get in touch with your heart's desires and your wild, authentic, untamed nature. See Chakra(4th)and Heart.\ Afterlife Dreams of the afterlife represent your awareness of a light at the end of the tunnel. You are recognizing a larger perspective of life beyond the confines of the ego, and that heaven is at hand now. See Death, Heaven, and Reincarnation.\ Afternoon Dreams of the afternoon represent illumination, inspiration, and activity. If you dream of a weekday afternoon, then this symbolizes business and productivity. If you dream of a weekend afternoon, then this reflects your need to take a relaxing break.\ Age If you dream of being a particular age, then you may be processing your concern about the aging process or dealing with the issues and concerns related to that age. See Adolescence, Birthday, Middle Age, Number, and Old Age.\ Agenda Dreams of an agenda represent order and organization of your time, energy, thoughts, and plans. Dreaming of someone having an agenda can also be cautioning you to read between the lines and practice discernment. See Diary.\ Agent Dreaming of an agent or advocate represents your own inner support for your product, service, or who you are. A dream of an agent can also be a wish fulfillment dream about your desire for support in your life and in making your dreams come true. The agent in a dream can represent the aspect of yourself that has healthy self-esteem.\ Agreeing Because all the characters in your dreams are you, if you are in agreement with someone in a dream, then this represents inner synergy. Consider the feeling tone of the dream, and whether you are agreeing submissively or willingly.\ Agriculture Dreams of agriculture symbolize success, abundance, health, and bounty. These dreams might be suggesting that you get back to basics and become grounded in order to receive the fruition of your hard work. See Farm/Farmer, Food, and Harvest.\ "Aha" Moment Dreams of an "aha" moment symbolize illumination, clarity, and awakening. Pay particular attention to the context of the "aha" moment. See Lucid Dreams.\ AIDS Dreams of AIDS are about sexual shame, blame, or guilt. Perhaps you are venting out feelings of helplessness, defenselessness, and an inability to stand up for yourself. See Disease.\ Air Dreams of air signify springtime and youthful innocence, and that you are discovering a fresh outlook on life. Perhaps you are embarking upon a new project that has you walking on air. Also, air is associated with the breath, which is synonymous with spirit. If the air in a dream is pure, this means your spirit feels light and clean. If the air is unclean, then this indicates that you have been weighed down by negativity and it's time for a breath of fresh air. See Spring and Wind.\ Air Conditioner Dreams of an air conditioner mean that you are adjusting your inner temperature. For example, if you were running too hot and heavy, allowing passion and impetuousness to overheat you, then you instinctively know to cool off in order to achieve balance.\ Air Force Dreams of the air force signify that you may be forcing your spiritual beliefs onto other people. Or perhaps you are asking for higher guidance as you fight for what you think is right. See Air, Airplane, and Military.\ (Continues...)\ \ \ \ \ Excerpted from I Had the Strangest Dream ... The Dreamer's Dictionary for the 21st Century by Kelly Sullivan Walden Copyright © 2006 by Kelly Sullivan Walden. Excerpted by permission.\ All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.\ Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site. \ \