Ibn Arabi

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Author: William C. Chittick

ISBN-10: 1851685111

ISBN-13: 9781851685110

Category: Muslims - Biography

Muhyi Ad-Din Ibn 'Arabi (1165-1240) was an outstanding Spanish-born mystic and one of the most prolific writers in Islamic history. He made major contributions to the fields of Qur'an commentary, jurisprudence, theology, philosophy, cosmology and spiritual psychology, and he was also a great poet of love. Although he is known as the first spokesman for the 'oneness of being,' his real focus was the diverse modalities of human perfection. He marks a transition in Sufism from practical...

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Muhyi ad-Din Ibn 'Arabi (1165 - 1240) was an outstanding Spanish-born mystic and one of the most prolific writers in Islamic history. He made major contributions to the fields of Qur'an commentary, jurisprudence, theology, philosophy, cosmology, and spiritual psychology, and he was also a great poet of love. Although he is known as the first spokesman for 'the oneness of being', his real focus was the diverse modalities of human perfection. He marks a transition in Sufism in practical instructions on healing the heart and aphorisms on the divine mysteries to an equal stress on the theoretical issues that had long been the topic of philosophy and theology.

Introduction     1Ibn 'Arabi's Life     4Abbreviations Used in the Text     9The Muhammadan Inheritance     11Inheritance     12Opening     14The Muhammadan Seal     16Reading the Qur'an     17Understanding God     18Knowing Self     20God's Wide Earth     22The Inheritor     23The Lover of God     27Assuming the Traits of the Names     29The Divine and Human Form     31Imperfect Love     32The Divine Roots of Love     35Wujud     36The Nonexistent Beloved     38The Entities     40The Genesis of Love     42Love's Throne     44Human Love     45Felicity     46Poverty     47Perfection     49The Cosmology of Remembrance     53Remembrance     53Prophecy     55The Book of the Soul     57The Breath of the All-Merciful     58Knowledge of the Names     61All-Comprehensiveness     62Achieving the Status of Adam     63The Perfect Servant     64The House of God     66Knowledge and Realization     69Knowledge     70Benefit     72The Form of God     74Reliable Knowledge     75Following Authority     77Realization     78The Ambiguity of Creation     80Giving Things their Haqq     81The Rights of God and Man     83The Soul's Haqq     84Time, Space, and the Objectivity of Ethical Norms     87The Methodology of Realization     87Time and Space     91Location     92Time     93Eternity     94Constant Transformation     96Ethics     97Lost in the Cosmos     99The In-Between     101Relativity     102The Worldview of In-Betweenness     103Cosmic Imagination     105The Soul     108The Soul's Root     109Controversies     111The Gods of Belief     112The Disclosure of the Intervening Image     115Self-Awareness     117Death     118Love     119The Hermeneutics of Mercy     123Interpreting the Qur'an     124Good Opinions of God     126The Return to the All-Merciful     128The Mercy of Wujud     130Mercy's Precedence     131Essential Servanthood     134Primordial Nature     135Sweet Torment     136Constitutional Diversity     139Surrender     141Resources     145Index     147