In the Grip of Grace

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Author: Max Lucado

ISBN-10: 159415158X

ISBN-13: 9781594151583

Category: Romans, Letter of Paul to the -> Commentaries

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SAFE IN HIS ARMS LIFE IS FULL OF FUMBLES AND STUMBLES. Fraught with opportunities to make mistakes, occasions to feel guilty, and the drive to "do it yourself." The pressure to be self-sufficient is high, but it isn't the life God offers. The way of the world will direct you to try harder and work smarter so that you can take care of yourself and even make yourself successful. But the way of the cross will point toward the place where you stop striving...stop pushing...stop every self-initiated effort so that you can fall into the boundless, liberating, refreshing grace of God! Just imagine being love-driven instead of self-propelled. Imagine abandoning your life to Jesus instead of trying to save yourself. Can you imagine exchanging your fears for the peace that passes understanding? Being relaxed and free instead of stressed out and anxious? If you can imagine enjoying God instead of trying to repay him, then you can imagine grace. So go ahead! jump off the cliff of self-sufficiency. Leap out of legalism. Walk off the pier of guilt and condemnation. That's the only way you'll land in the strong arms of the Father who loves you...the Father who catches you everytime in the grip of his grace. Publishers Weekly Popular writer and speaker Lucado here turns his interpretive powers on one of the most popular New Testament writings, the book of Romans, to probe the meaning of grace in Christian life. Using his own considerable storytelling powers, Lucado relates the biblical principles found in Romans to the stories of ordinary people like his father to fashion inspirational interpretations of the book of Romans for everyday life. Admitting that Romans is often difficult for Christians to read because of its focus on God's wrath and God's punishment of human sinfulness, Lucado translates and interprets the biblical texts to demonstrate that God's righteousness and justice are merely indicators of the mercy and lovingkindness inherent in God's grace. Through these readings, Lucado reminds readers of the eternal quality of God's mercy and the gentleness of his love. While Lucado's book is not a compendium of deep theological insights, his graceful style and his thorough exposition of biblical texts will grant rewards to interested readers. (Aug.)