Inky Stephensen: Wild Man of Letters

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Author: Craig Munro

ISBN-10: 0702223891

ISBN-13: 9780702223891

Category: Editors, Publishers, Agents, & Booksellers - Literary Biography

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IllustrationsPrefacePt. 1Queensland, 1901-19241Wartime Rebel32Students and Workers12Pt. 2England, 1924-19323A Bolshevik comes to Oxford314Bloomsbury Fanfrolics465D. H. Lawrence and the Lord's Police686Mandrake, Magic and Depression887Cutting Adrift104Pt. 3Syndey, 1932-19428A New Endeavour1159Xavier Herbert, P.R. Stephensen & Co.13510Mercurial Nationalism15011War of Words17012Fascism and Australia First197Pt. 4Liverpool, Loveday and Tatura Internment Camps, 1942-194513Behind Barbed Wire; High Treason or Low Comedy223Pt. 5Victoria; Sydney, 1945-196514Ghost in Exile251Abbreviations272Notes273Bibliography301Index311