Introduction to French Poetry: A Dual-Language Book

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Author: Stanley Appelbaum

ISBN-10: 0486267113

ISBN-13: 9780486267111

Category: Poetry Anthologies

Immerse yourself in great poetic tradition — works by Villon, Ronsard, Voltaire, Lamartine, Hugo, Mallarmé, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Apollinaire, Saint-John Perse, Eluard and many more. Full texts in French with literal English translation on facing pages. Critical, biographical information on each poet. Introduction. 31 black-and-white illustrations.

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Works by Villon, Ronsard, Voltaire, Mallarmé, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Apollinaire, many more. Full French texts with literal English translations on facing pages. Biographical, critical information on each poet. Introduction. 31 black-and-white illustrations.