Introduction to Jewish-Christian Relations

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Author: Michael Shermis

ISBN-10: 1592444415

ISBN-13: 9781592444410

Category: Christianity - Comparative Studies

This book walks the reader through rich but controversial terrain--the Bible, the Holocaust, the state of Israel, anti-Judaism, theology, Christology, intermarriage, feminism, and approaches to education.

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This book walks the reader through rich but controversial terrain--the Bible, the Holocaust, the state of Israel, anti-Judaism, theology, Christology, intermarriage, feminism, and approaches to education. Library Journal This excellent collection of ten essays on different aspects of Jewish-Christian dialog serves as a sound introduction to the topic. The various contributors discuss issues of biblical, historical, geographical, theological, and practical interaction. Laypeople interested in serious study or those confronting issues such as anti-Semitism and interdating will find this study appropriate. Recommended particularly for libraries not having extensive collections in this area.

Introduction1IThe Challenge of Hebrew Scriptures in Jewish-Christian Relations7IIThe New Testament: Confronting Its Impact on Jewish-Christian Relations34IIIThe Holocaust: Tragedy of Christian History63IVThe Land: Israel and the Middle East in Jewish-Christian Dialogue87VAntisemitism? or Anti-Judaism?118VIThe Seventy Faces of the One God: The Theology of Religious Pluralism145VIIJesus--A Pharisee and the Christ174VIIIInterdating and Intermarriage: Jews and Christians202IXFeminism and Jewish-Christian Dialogue227XEducational Dimensions of the Jewish-Christian Dialogue247Contributors263Biographical Index266Topical Index272

\ Library JournalThis excellent collection of ten essays on different aspects of Jewish-Christian dialog serves as a sound introduction to the topic. The various contributors discuss issues of biblical, historical, geographical, theological, and practical interaction. Laypeople interested in serious study or those confronting issues such as anti-Semitism and interdating will find this study appropriate. Recommended particularly for libraries not having extensive collections in this area.\ \