Jews and Christians: The Parting of the Ways, A.D. 70 to 135

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Author: James D. Dunn

ISBN-10: 0802844987

ISBN-13: 9780802844989

Category: Christianity - Comparative Studies

This collection of learned essays helps to clarify the extent to which we can speak of the parting of the ways between Christianity and Judaism in the period spanned by two Jewish revolts against Rome.\ Twelve internationally respected scholars carefully analyze the chief Jewish and Christian documents and traditions relating to the period, drawing out their significance for the topic. The result is an integrated and comprehensive study of the diverging trajectories of Judaism and early...

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This volume contains papers from the second Durham-Tubingen Research Symposium on Earliest Christianity and Judaism that help clarify the extent to which we can speak of the parting of the ways between Christianity and Judaism. Twelve internationally respected scholars carefully analyze the chief Jewish and Christian documents and traditions from the period A.D. 70-135, drawing out what they say about the mutual relations between early Christianity and Judaism and the light they shed on the diverging trajectories of these two major religious traditions.

Preface"The Parting of the Ways" from the Perspective of Rabbinic Judaism1Diaspora Reactions to the Destruction of the Temple27The Septuagint as a Collection of Writings Claimed by Christians: Justin and the Church Fathers before Origen39Syncretistic Features in Jewish and Jewish-Christian Baptism Movements85Matthew's Christology and the Parting of the Ways99A note on the textual evidence for the omission of Matthew 9:34117"In Him was Life": John's Gospel and the Parting of the Ways123The Understanding of Christ in the Pauline School: A Sketch159The Question of Anti-semitism in the New Testament Writings of the Period177The Parting of the Ways: The Evidence of Jewish and Christian Apocalyptic and Mystical Material213The Parting of the Ways: Eschatology and Messianic Hope239Jewish-Christian Relations in Barnabas and Justin Martyr315Problems of the Clementine Literature347Concluding Summary and Postscript363List of Contributors369Indexes371