John and Acts, Vol. 9

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Author: Frank E. Gaebelein

ISBN-10: 0310365104

ISBN-13: 9780310365105

Category: Acts of the Apostles -> Commentaries

The Gold Medallion Award-winning Expositor's Bible Commentary is a major contribution to the study and understanding of the Scriptures. Providing pastors and Bible students with a comprehensive and scholarly tool for the exposition of the Scriptures and the teaching and proclamation of their message, this twelve-volume reference work has become a staple of seminary and college libraries and pastors' studies worldwide.\ The seventy-eight contributors come from the United States, Canada,...

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Contributors to Volume 9 are: Merrill C. Tenney (John) and Richard N. Longenecker (Acts). Pulpit Workshop ' of the greatest pieces of religious literature published in this generation. We cannot recommend it too highly.' -- Pulpit Workshop

\ Christianity Today'...a roaring success. Both form and style contribute to readability, and the scholarship is sound without being pedantic or tedious...' -- Christianity Today \ \ \ \ \ Crux'The 78 authors represent the best evangelical scholarship in the English-speaking world...a rich feast.' -- Crux \ \ \ Eternity'The author list [of the Expositor's Bible Commentary] reads like a page from a who\\rquote s who of evangelical Bible scholars. A quality product. Unquestionably wise for the serious student to plan to secure each volume.' -- Eternity \ \ \ \ \ Interest'The thoroughness of Richard Longnecker is most helpful.' -- Interest \ \ \ \ \ Journal for the Study of the Old Testament'The commentary on the text takes into account the needs of the Christian pastor, but regular and frequent inter-action with recent literature on Acts extends its usefulness also to the student.' -- Journal for the Study of the Old Testament \ \ \ \ \ Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society'With Frank Gaebelein at the editorial helm, the product is lucid and smooth-reading. Previous volumes have been of unusually high quality for a work of composite authorship. The present volume is no exception.' -- Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society \ \ \ \ \ Pulpit Workshop' of the greatest pieces of religious literature published in this generation. We cannot recommend it too highly.' -- Pulpit Workshop \ \ \ \ \ The Baptist Sentinel'For those needing a good commentary, you will find in this set one of the best.' -- The Baptist Sentinel \ \ \ \ \ The Evangelical Beacon'...excellent series...a valuable reference source in any evangelical pastor's library.' -- The Evangelical Beacon \ \ \ \ \ The Seminary Review'...a very helpful addition to the library of anyone interested in studying and teaching the Scriptures more effectively.' -- The Seminary Review \ \