Jurassic Shark

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Author: Deborah Diffily

ISBN-10: 0060082496

ISBN-13: 9780060082499

Category: Animals

The oceans of the Jurassic world were filled with nightmarish creatures. Plesiosaurs, long-necked reptiles measuring up to twenty-five feet long, ate fish — and each other. The 40-foot-long Kronosaurus and the 45-foot-long Liopleurodon were ferocious predators with razor-sharp teeth. They ate anything they could catch.\ Alongside these megapredators swam Hybodus, whose descendants include the great white sharks of today. Hybodus was not the largest hunter in the Jurassic seas, but it was...

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The oceans of the Jurassic world were filled with nightmarish creatures. Plesiosaurs, long-necked reptiles measuring up to twenty-five feet long, ate fish — and each other. The 40-foot-long Kronosaurus and the 45-foot-long Liopleurodon were ferocious predators with razor-sharp teeth. They ate anything they could catch. Alongside these megapredators swam Hybodus, whose descendants include the great white sharks of today. Hybodus was not the largest hunter in the Jurassic seas, but it was fearless. Hybodus would attack anything. This is the story of a female Hybodus and her struggle to survive. She must find a way to keep from being eaten, even as she hunts for food herself. She must fight off a Liopleurodon that attempts to take over her hunting grounds. And she must find a way to keep herself, and her unborn baby, safe in a place where even the deadliest of hunters can become meals for other predators. Discover how she responds to the challenges — and survives.Judy Crowder - Children's LiteraturePut the two words Jurassic and shark together and no self-respecting young reader will be able to resist pulling this book off the shelf. But how does this book rate after it is opened? Very well! The text follows Hybodus, ancestor of the great white shark, as she navigates the dark and dangerous ocean waters of the Jurassic period. Hybodus is fearless, solitary, measures about seven feet, all muscle and relentless. She needs all these characteristics to survive, especially as she hunts for a safe place to bear her young. The remarkable illustrations and spare, well-written text will draw young readers into this ancient, watery world, painlessly teaching along the way. All of this without a hint of anthropomorphism. Well done! Though the very real narrative may be a bit grim for preschoolers, most young readers will be fascinated. And so they should be. 2004, HarperCollins, and Ages 6 to 10.

\ Children's LiteraturePut the two words Jurassic and shark together and no self-respecting young reader will be able to resist pulling this book off the shelf. But how does this book rate after it is opened? Very well! The text follows Hybodus, ancestor of the great white shark, as she navigates the dark and dangerous ocean waters of the Jurassic period. Hybodus is fearless, solitary, measures about seven feet, all muscle and relentless. She needs all these characteristics to survive, especially as she hunts for a safe place to bear her young. The remarkable illustrations and spare, well-written text will draw young readers into this ancient, watery world, painlessly teaching along the way. All of this without a hint of anthropomorphism. Well done! Though the very real narrative may be a bit grim for preschoolers, most young readers will be fascinated. And so they should be. 2004, HarperCollins, and Ages 6 to 10. \ —Judy Crowder\ \ \ \ \ School Library JournalGr 2-4-Jurassic Shark tells the story of a female Hybodus, a deadly prehistoric predator that lived in the oceans some 180 million years ago. She is described as swimming alone and attacking even larger and more aggressive prey. She is not always successful on her hunt for food and is careful when carrying her young and seeking a safe place for birthing. This book is written for young readers just beginning to explore serious information about dinosaurs and plesiosaurs. Carr's vivid digital paintings are astonishingly lifelike and will hold great appeal for this audience.-Donna Marie Wagner, Exeter Community Library, Reading, PA Copyright 2004 Reed Business Information.\ \ \ Kirkus ReviewsIn this luridly written prehistoric episode, a massive Hybodus feeds-"Her jaw snaps shut on the squid, ripping through their flesh . . ."-then gives birth after she "bites a hunk of flesh from" a larger predator to drive it away. In digitally created art, Carr (who gets top billing on cover and title page) tones the gore down a bit, hazing out the wounds and clouds of blood. But an opening view looking right down Hydobus's throat seems to be an enlarged detail from a later scene, and the connection between text and pictures grows occasionally tenuous, as when the shark gives birth not on a "coral reef" as stated, but a patch of sand. Worse, the author imputes feelings and behavior to her toothy matron without offering supporting scientific evidence for it. Next to the likes of Arnold's Giant Shark (2000) and the plethora of more authoritative reconstructions, this showcase is just empty calories. (Picture book/nonfiction. 7-9)\ \