Lake Tanganyika Cichlids

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Author: Mark Smith

ISBN-10: 0764136739

ISBN-13: 9780764136733

Category: Pet Fish

These fish species come in many interesting and colorful varieties available to aquarium hobbyists. Titles in the extensive Complete Pet Owner's Manuals series provide pet owners with basic information on keeping healthy, contented, well-cared-for animals. The series includes approximately 175 titles and covers pets of every kind: dogs, cats, and birds of many breeds, as well as fish, reptiles, rabbits, hamsters, and just about any other animal that people keep as a pet. Facts and advice...

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(back cover) Information and advice to help you take good care of your Lake Tanganyika Cichlids Their origins, life cycles, traits, and more Expert advice: feeding, tank maintenance, and general care Appreciating aquarium fish: identifying varieties and observing their behavior Step-by-step directions for daily care Informative checklists and sidebars Filled with handsome full-color photos (picture caption) These fish are available to hobbyists in many interesting and colorful varieties.

Introduction     5Diversity of Cichlids     5The History of Lake Tanganyika     6General Facts     8What Are Cichlids?     9Setting Up Your Aquarium     13Aquarium Size and Shape     13The Aquarium Stand     14Types of Filtration     14Aquarium Water Chemistry     17Heater and Thermometer     17Lighting     18Decorations     18Gravel/Sand     19How-to: Learning About Filters     20Maintaining the Aquarium     23Water Changes     23Aeration     24Diet     24Parasites and Bacterial Infections     24Quarantine Aquarium     27Spawning Lake Tanganyika Cichlids     29Laying the Groundwork     29Difficult-to-Breed Species     31Dither Fishes     32Raising Juvenile Tanganyika Cichlids     33How-to: Separating Juveniles     34Representative Selection of Lake Tanganyika Cichlids     37Glossary     92Information     93Index     94