Large Eddy Simulation Of Turbulent Incompressible Flows

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Author: Volker John

ISBN-10: 3540406433

ISBN-13: 9783540406433

Category: Dynamics - General & Miscellaneous

Large eddy simulation (LES) seeks to simulate the large structures of a turbulent flow. This is the first monograph which considers LES from a mathematical point of view. It concentrates on LES models for which mathematical and numerical analysis is already available and on related LES models. Most of the available analysis is given in detail, the implementation of the LES models into a finite element code is described, the efficient solution of the discrete systems is discussed and numerical...

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Large eddy simulation (LES) seeks to simulate the large structures of a turbulent flow. This is the first monograph which considers LES from a mathematical point of view. It concentrates on LES models for which mathematical and numerical analysis is already available and on related LES models. Most of the available analysis is given in detail, the implementation of the LES models into a finite element code is described, the efficient solution of the discrete systems is discussed and numerical studies with the considered LES models are presented.

1Introduction12Mathematical Tools and Basic Notations113The Space Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations and the Commutation Error214LES Models Which are Based on Approximations in Wave Number Space475The Variational Formulation of the LES Models636Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions of the LES Models737Discretisation of the LES Models998Error Analysis of Finite Element Discretisations of the LES Models1259The Solution of the Linear Systems16310A Numerical Study of a Necessary Condition for the Acceptability of LES Models18911A Numerical Study of the Approximation of Space Averaged Flow Fields by the Considered LES Models19912Problems for Further Investigations24113Notations245References251Index259