Lecturas Literarias: Moving Toward Linguistic and Cultural Fluency Through Literature

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Author: Anne Lambright

ISBN-10: 0073211974

ISBN-13: 9780073211978

Category: Readers - Spanish Language

Lecturas literarias shares same methodology, design, icons, and so forth as Punto y aparte.\ Each reading is accompanied by pre- and post-reading activities as well as by role-playing, creative-writing, and other follow-up activities that students can use to expand on the themes presented in each reading.\ Students are exposed to literary terminology. With each reading, a different aspect of literary analysis is presented (e.g., the use of dialogue, tone, narrative voice). Students are then...

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Lecturas literarias shares same methodology, design, icons, and so forth as Punto y aparte.Each reading is accompanied by pre- and post-reading activities as well as by role-playing, creative-writing, and other follow-up activities that students can use to expand on the themes presented in each reading.Students are exposed to literary terminology. With each reading, a different aspect of literary analysis is presented (e.g., the use of dialogue, tone, narrative voice). Students are then asked to apply this new knowledge in a deeper analysis of the reading as a creative work.

READINGS IN LECTURAS LITERARIASCapítulo 1La colmena (selecciones), by Camilo José Cela (Spain)«Rosamunda», by Carmen Laforet (Spain)Capítulo 2«Con los ojos cerrados», by Reynaldo Arenas (Cuba)Tiempo muerto (selecciones), by Avelino Stanley (Dominican Republic)Capítulo 3«Cristina Martínez» from Mujeres de ojos grandes, by Ángeles Mastretta (Mexico)Querida Diego, te abraza Quiela (selecciones), by Elena Poniatowska (Mexico)Capítulo 4«La fiaca» (selecciones), by Ricardo Talesnik (Argentina)El cartero de Neruda (selecciones), by Antonio Skármeta (Chile)Capítulo 5«El banquete», by Julio Ramón Ribeyro (Peru)«El sueño del pongo», by José María Arguedas (Peru)Capítulo 6Única mirando al mar (selecciones), by Fernando Contreras Castro (Costa Rica)«Pandora», by Claribel Alegría (El Salvador)