Letters Home: Correspondence, 1950-1963

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Author: Sylvia Plath

ISBN-10: 0060974915

ISBN-13: 9780060974916

Category: American & Canadian Letters

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Chapter One\ September 27, 1950--June 1953\ Sylvia's letters from Smith show the effort of a conscientious student striving for high grades, partly to satisfy herself and build up her own image and partly to prove herself worthy o f the generous financial aid she was receiving from various sources: the Olive Higgins Prouty Fund, the Nielson scholarship, and the Smith Club in Wellesley. Added to this effort was her need to project the image o f the "all-around" person; i.e., the student who not only did well scholastically but was socially acceptable by both sexes, and the service-oriented person who made a contribution to her peer group and the community. To all this, Sylvia added her own burning desire: to develop creatively in her chosen field--writing--and to win recognition there. The pressure that developed from her involvement in all these areas was periodically overwhelming, both physically and psychically.\ First letter written from Smith\ SMITH COLLEGE\ NORTHAMPTON, MASS.\ SEPTEMBER 27, 1950