Linguistic Theory and Complex Words: Nuuchahnulth Word Formation

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Author: John Stonham

ISBN-10: 1403903484

ISBN-13: 9781403903488

Category: Linguistics & Semiotics

Nuuchahnulth is known for its striking use of word-formation and complex inflection. This is the first book to provide a detailed description of the complex morphology of the language, based on material gathered when it was more viable than it is now. The description is embedded within a broad-ranging theoretical discussion of interest to all morphologists. It will provide an essential tool for researchers in Nuuchahnulth and related languages, in Wakashan in general, and in Native American...

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Nuuchahnulth is known for its striking use of word-formation and complex inflection. This is the first book to provide a detailed description of the complex morphology of the language, based on material gathered when it was more viable than it is now. The description is embedded within a broad-ranging theoretical discussion of interest to all morphologists. It will provide an essential tool for researchers in Nuuchahnulth and related languages, in Wakashan in general, and in Native American Studies.

1Introduction12Some phonological preliminaries133Word structure and categories324Suffixation645Reduplication and infixation1216Stratal segregation in the Nuuchahnulth lexicon1447Templatic morphology1788Morphosyntax2109Conclusion272