Lions, Tigers and Bears, Volume 2

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Author: Jack Lawrence

ISBN-10: 1582409307

ISBN-13: 9781582409306

Category: Image Comics

BETRAYAL! Joey and his stuffed animal guardians must thwart the evil schemes of the Beasties in this all-ages series. \ Joey and Courtney's winter wonderland is shattered when the Big Cats of the Night Pride arrive with terrible news from the Stuffed Animal Kingdom. Now all that stands between the horrible Beasties and children everywhere are Joey, Courtney, and their imaginations!

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BETRAYAL! Joey and his stuffed animal guardians must thwart the evil schemes of the Beasties in this all-ages series.Joey and Courtney's winter wonderland is shattered when the Big Cats of the Night Pride arrive with terrible news from the Stuffed Animal Kingdom. Now all that stands between the horrible Beasties and children everywhere are Joey, Courtney, and their imaginations!