Live Aware, Not in Fear: The 411 After 9-11, A Book for Teens

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Author: Donna Wells

ISBN-10: 0757300138

ISBN-13: 9780757300134

Category: Terrorism - Preparation and Response

Since September 11, life in America has been turned upside down. As frightening as it is for adults, for teens it is overwhelming. Donna Wells and Bruce Morris,\ public-safety professionals with years of firsthand experience, offer teens a book that will help them navigate uncharted waters and will also provide invaluable advice and reassurance.\ Presenting first the myths then the facts, this guide also offers teens chapter-by-chapter question-and-answer sections, space to journal their...

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Since September 11, life in America has been turned upside down. As frightening as it is for adults, for teens it is overwhelming. Donna Wells and Bruce Morris, public-safety professionals with years of firsthand experience, offer teens a book that will help them navigate uncharted waters and will also provide invaluable advice and reassurance.Presenting first the myths then the facts, this guide also offers teens chapter-by-chapter question-and-answer sections, space to journal their feelings and reactions, and suggestions on how they can help themselves, their families and the communities in which they live.Chapters include: The Home of the Brave (what terrorists target and why); Worried Sick (the truth about bioterrorism); Dollars and Sense (potential family economic impacts); The Land of the Free (school and community); From Sea to Shining Sea (travel); Instant Mess[age] (communications, entertainment, media).Designed to be a handbook that teens can keep with them at all times, Live Aware is compact and chock full of important, easy-to-understand information. A reassurance to parents and teens alike, Live Aware is destined to become a huge hit-a unique book that respects teens' intelligence and powers of reasoning and empathizes at their levels.This is a must-have for every teen concerned about safety, courage and community spirit. VOYA The purpose of this book is to present basic information on possible risks and appropriate actions related to the events of September 11, 2001. Each chapter starts with a risk scenario, giving a possible situation that teens can think about, discuss, and decide what their reactions would be in a similar situation. The authors provide a short quiz relating to the chapter topic; a section discussing myth versus fact, highlighting a fear that has become pervasive since 9-11; the truth about each myth; answers to questions relating to each myth; questions for teens to answer; and things teens can do to minimize their risk. A matrix to help readers assess their level of threat related to the vulnerabilities discussed appears at the end of each chapter. Topics presented include the threat of terrorism to all Americans, bioterrorism, the financial impact of 9-11, loss of freedoms, the impact on travel, and the impact on communication. The authors work for the Department of Public Safety for the Commonwealth of Virginia. They try to inform teens so that they can make responsible decisions and attempt to reassure students that there are things they can do to minimize their risk. This book could be used as a discussion guide and a workbook for groups concerned with the threats and changes brought about since the terrorist attacks. Although the book could be helpful for groups, it might create anxiety in some students who read it on their own. VOYA CODES: 3Q 2P S (Readable without serious defects; For the YA with a special interest in the subject; Senior High, defined as grades 10 to 12). 2002, Health Communications, 162p, Dubois

Chapter Five\ \ From Sea to Shining Sea\ \ Risk Scenario-What Would You Do?\ Unbelievable. You knew it was going to happen, but now that it has, you can't believe it. First it was your ski trip, and now your spring break plans for Cancun.\ The ski trip was going to be incredible. You and close to a hundred of your classmates, in the mountains for an extended weekend, surrounded by fields of snow, all the hot chocolate you could drink, and all the hot skiers you could handle. You had plans to show up that arrogant jerk, Jason-he thinks he's god of the slopes; you were gonna teach him better. You had plans to bunk with your three best buddies. The four of you would have been raising hell-prank calls to your friends' rooms at three in the morning, raiding the mini-fridge, and ordering pay-per-view. It would have been a perfect vacation.\ Until the head honchos at the school freaked out and decided that traveling anywhere was "just too risky." After that one guy got thrown off of a Greyhound bus for making threats, the administration doesn't want anyone traveling anywhere-especially out of state. Never mind the fact that you would've been on chartered buses, and you were only going a few hundred miles. So says the school board; so shall it be done.\ Cancun was different. You didn't think anything could mess up your Cancun plans. Your parents had done the coolest thing ever-decided to take that trip over spring break, and told you that you could bring two friends. Jamie and Becca were all for it, ready to go. You'd been saving your money so you could spend it all on sexy swimsuits and spa treatments. You had plans to spend some quality time with the sand and sun, soaking in the UV rays until you were golden brown. We won't tell your parents, but you also had secret plans to hook up with a hottie while you were down there, too. After all, mysterious strangers are made for romantic beaches. Even though the trip was months and months away, you had your bags mentally packed.\ Too bad your parents decided it was-survey says: "Just too risky."\ Now, this you really can't understand. Everything you're hearing says that planes are probably safer now than they've ever been. Sure, the extra security checks might be a hassle, but not enough to deter you from the beach. And it's not like you'd be headed even in the direction of any major city a terrorist might want to target.\ Not to mention the fact that the trip wasn't until April. You're positive that things would have blown over by then. Everything would be back to normal, and planes would be just as safe as ever.\ And now you have to disappoint your friends, too. You know they'll understand-Becca had plans to go to New York for Christmas, now that's totally off-but that's not the point.\ It just doesn't seem fair that an event hundreds or thousands of miles away has to disrupt your life months in advance.\ To put it simply, you're PO'd.\ But at the same time, you're starting to get a little worried. There must be something to the school's claims if they'd go so far as to cancel the entire trip, right? And it's not like your parents to flip out for no good reason (unless you're a few minutes late for curfew, but that's another story).\ You're also getting mixed messages from the media. Everyone's telling you to go back to your life, that the airlines are safer than ever, that we can't let the terrorists disrupt our lives. Simultaneously, they're telling you of breaches in security at national airports, warning you of credible threats and the need for "highest alert," telling you that airport security might be federalized. Any time anything happens to a commercial jet, the media questions whether the terrorists have struck again.\ So, when being ticked wears off, you're just confused.\ Who do you believe? Who's telling it like it is? Were your parents and the school administrators totally wrong for canceling your vacations? Or did they maybe have a point? And does this mean you're not going to get any vacations at all for a while? You think you'll go nuts if you have to stay in town until this is all over. So what can you do instead of taking faraway, extended vacations? Hey, there's a lake only a few hours' drive away-it's no Cancun, but it'll still have sun and water. Maybe you'll talk to your parents about that. And maybe you can get your friends together to convince the principal that while he might be right about canceling the ski trip, isn't there something else closer to home that he could organize?\ What is happening to life as we knew it? Is all the fun soon going to be gone?\ How Much do You Know?\ 1. Since the United States began its offensive against terrorism, there have been how many incidents of terrorism at airports or involving air travel?\ a. a dozen b. less than a dozen c. no one knows d. none\ 2. Since the bombing raids in Afghanistan, air travel in this country has incurred:\ a. minor delays, but little disruption b. major disruption c. there has been no air travel d. no one knows\ 3. True or False: Travel in this country is important only to the tourism industry and we can live without that.\ 4. True or False: Every year in this country millions of business men and women travel millions of miles and conduct billions of dollars of business.\ 5. Travel, for reasons other than vacation, is:\ a. unimportant b. uninteresting c. vital to the economic interests of the country d. a perk that should be eliminated\ 6. Since 9-11, travel fares across the country are:\ a. generally higher than ever b. generally lower than ever c. unchanged d. nonexistent; I'm telling you, no one is going anywhere\ 7. Increased caution and security is important when traveling by:\ a. plane b. train c. bus and every other d. car conveyance e. cruise ship f. all of the above\ 8. True or False: People aren't really afraid of flying, or restricting their travel; that's just media hype.\ 9. True or False: Only commercial airliners, not private planes, pose a threat to safety as the result of a potential terrorist attack.\ 10. Travel in our country will:\ a. go back to normal on October 5, 2003\ b. go back to normal after we win the war against terrorism and terrorists c. never be the same, but will be manageable with some adjustments d. stop\ Answers are Below\ Answers\ 1. d- 2. a-3. F- 4. T-5. c- 6. b - 7. f- 8. F- 9. F- 10. c.\ \ 2002. All rights reserved. Reprinted from Live Aware, Not In Fear by Donna K. Wells, Bruce C. Morris. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the publisher. Publisher: Health Communications, Inc., 3201 SW 15th Street, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442.

\ KLIATTWells and Morris are public safety experts with backgrounds in preparing for terrorism. This small book is chock-full of information for teens who find themselves—as we all do—confused by the new world around us after the events of Sept. 11th. The informative chapters deal with what terrorists target and why; school and community; dollars and sense; and bioterrorism. There are questions to answer on how much you know; myths and facts; and a section on how to be proactive. At the end of each chapter is a matrix so you can assess your risk. These might seem like the "worst of times" but they have brought out the best in us, and information will always be the best way to deal with the things we fear. This book will be a comfort to teens and their parents. It should be in every school and public library. KLIATT Codes: JS—Recommended for junior and senior high school students. 2002, HCI, 160p., \ — Barbara Jo McKee\ \ \ \ \ VOYAThe purpose of this book is to present basic information on possible risks and appropriate actions related to the events of September 11, 2001. Each chapter starts with a risk scenario, giving a possible situation that teens can think about, discuss, and decide what their reactions would be in a similar situation. The authors provide a short quiz relating to the chapter topic; a section discussing myth versus fact, highlighting a fear that has become pervasive since 9-11; the truth about each myth; answers to questions relating to each myth; questions for teens to answer; and things teens can do to minimize their risk. A matrix to help readers assess their level of threat related to the vulnerabilities discussed appears at the end of each chapter. Topics presented include the threat of terrorism to all Americans, bioterrorism, the financial impact of 9-11, loss of freedoms, the impact on travel, and the impact on communication. The authors work for the Department of Public Safety for the Commonwealth of Virginia. They try to inform teens so that they can make responsible decisions and attempt to reassure students that there are things they can do to minimize their risk. This book could be used as a discussion guide and a workbook for groups concerned with the threats and changes brought about since the terrorist attacks. Although the book could be helpful for groups, it might create anxiety in some students who read it on their own. VOYA CODES: 3Q 2P S (Readable without serious defects; For the YA with a special interest in the subject; Senior High, defined as grades 10 to 12). 2002, Health Communications, 162p, Dubois\ \