Lizard Care From A to Z, 2nd Edition

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Author: R.D. Bartlett

ISBN-10: 0764138901

ISBN-13: 9780764138904

Category: Pet Reptiles & Amphibians

Terrarium hobbyists will find a wealth of detailed information in this book on the traits and needs of lizard species from A to Z—Anoles to Zonosaurs. Different lizards require different diets and housing environments, and the authors—both widely respected experts on amphibians and reptiles—have the answers to virtually every collector's questions. Filled with color photos, scientifically accurate line art, and a glossary.

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(back cover) This book provides terrarium hobbyists with detailed information on the traits and needs of many collectible lizard species. Different lizards require different diets and housing environments, and the authors--widely respected experts on amphibians and reptiles--have the answers to all of your questions. Filled with color photos, scientifically accurate line art, a glossary, and a bibliography.