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Author: Russ Case

ISBN-10: 1882770919

ISBN-13: 9781882770915

Category: Pet Reptiles & Amphibians

Written for the young herpetoculturist, this book features need-to-know information including: lizard food and habitat, why some lizards make great pets and which ones don't, how to handle them, and the top five lizard pets to have. Written by Russ Case, author of Snakes and Turtles & Tortoises and editor of Reptiles magazine. Lizards is a fun and informative look at these crawly companions-for readers 8-13!

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Written for the young herpetoculturist, this book features need-to-know information including: lizard food and habitat, why some lizards make great pets and which ones don't, how to handle them, and the top five lizard pets to have. Written by Russ Case, author of Snakes and Turtles & Tortoises and editor of Reptiles magazine. Lizards is a fun and informative look at these crawly companions-for readers 8-13!

1. Reptiles as Pets2. Why People Like Lizards3. Where to get Lizards4. Your Lizard's Home 5. Lizard Food6. Five Most Excellent Lizard Pets7. Other Cool Lizards -Just Not For Beginners8. Potential Health Problems9. Do's and Don'ts for Lizard Owners