Lost Kingdoms: Celtic Scotland and the Middle Ages

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Author: John L. Roberts

ISBN-10: 0748609105

ISBN-13: 9780748609109

Category: Celtic History

Roberts follows the history of Celtic Scotland from the kingdoms of the Picts and Scots to the downfall of Clan Donald at the end of the fifteenth century.\

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Roberts follows the history of Celtic Scotland from the kingdoms of the Picts and Scots to the downfall of Clan Donald at the end of the fifteenth century.

AcknowledgementsPreface1Ancient Celtic Kingdoms12Malcolm Canmore and the Norman Conquest263Passing of the Ancient Earldoms464Conquest and Settlement in the North665Kings of the Western Isles896Edward I, Hammer of the Scots1157Robert the Bruce and Scottish Independence1338David II and the Early Stewarts1529Lordship of the Isles17510Downfall of Clan Donald198Bibliography217Index222