Marine Biology: An Ecological Approach

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Author: James W. Nybakken

ISBN-10: 0805345825

ISBN-13: 9780805345827

Category: Marine Biology - General & Miscellaneous

Marine Biology: An Ecological Approach, Sixth Edition approaches the subject of marine biology by emphasizing the ecological principles that govern marine life throughout all ocean environments and by acknowledging the differences between marine and terrestrial ecosystems. This unique approach adds real-world relevance by exploring how organisms interact within their individual ecosystems while also focusing on the significance of human impact on the sea. Marine Environments, Plankton...

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Marine Biology: An Ecological Approach, Sixth Edition approaches the subject of marine biology by emphasizing the ecological principles that govern marine life throughout all ocean environments and by acknowledging the differences between marine and terrestrial ecosystems. This unique approach adds real-world relevance by exploring how organisms interact within their individual ecosystems while also focusing on the significance of human impact on the sea. Marine Environments, Plankton Communities, Oceanic Nekton, Deep-Sea Biology, Shallow-Water Subtidal Benthic Associations, Intertidal Ecology, Meiofauna, Estuaries and Salt Marches, Tropical Communities, Symbiotic Relationships, Human Impact on the Sea For all readers interested in marine biology and marine ecology.

PrefaceCh. 1Introduction to the Marine Environment1Ch. 2Plankton And Plankton Communities36Ch. 3Oceanic Nekton90Ch. 4Deep-Sea Biology124Ch. 5Shallow-Water Subtidal Benthic Associations165Ch. 6Intertidal Ecology219Ch. 7Meiofauna285Ch. 8Estuaries And Salt Marshes304Ch. 9Tropical Communities338Ch. 10Symbiotic Relationships395Ch. 11Human Impact On The Sea418Glossary447Index459