Marx, the Young Hegelians, and the Origins of Radical Social Theory: Dethroning the Self

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Author: Warren Breckman

ISBN-10: 0521003806

ISBN-13: 9780521003803

Category: European & American Philosophy

This is the First Major study of Marx and the Young Hegelians in twenty years. The book offers a new interpretation of Marx's early development, the political dimension of Young Hegelianism, and that movement's relationship to political and intellectual currents in early-nineteenth-century Germany and France. The book draws together an account of major figures such as Feuerbach and Marx, with discussions of lesser-known but significant figures such as Eduard Gans, August Cieszkowski, Moses...

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A new interpretation of Marx's early development and the political dimension of Young Hegelianism.

AcknowledgmentsIntroduction11At the End of Idealism: From "Nihilism" to "Positive Philosophy"202The Transcendent Sovereign and the Political Theology of Restoration633Ludwig Feuerbach and Christian Civil Society904The Social and Political Discourse of Personality, 1835-18401315Pantheism, Social Question, and the Third Age1776Arnold Ruge: Radical Democracy and the Politics of Personhood, 1838-18432217Karl Marx: From Social Republicanism to Communism258Bibliography309Index327