Match Day: One Day and One Dramatic Year in the Lives of Three New Doctors

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Author: Brian Eule

ISBN-10: 0312602944

ISBN-13: 9780312602949

Category: Medical Figures

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Each year, on one day in March, at the exact same moment across America, 15,000 graduating medical students in 125 medical schools learn where they will spend their years in training as a doctor. This remarkable book follows three of them—all women, eac The Barnes & Noble Review Author Brian Eule is no disinterested observer of the process whereby medical students become new doctors. His wife, Stephanie, is among the three female doctors he follows from Match Day, the March event that matches medical students to their first jobs as doctors, through their difficult first year as residents. Eule s primary concern, and a very personal one, is the struggle these doctors go through in balancing the grueling, almost around-the-clock demands of being first-year residents with their desire to have a family life outside the hospital. Eule s detailed look at Match Day describes how would-be doctors choose their medical specialties (some, like dermatology, are more lifestyle friendly) and how they select the hospitals where they d like to work. Eule, for example, shows how Rakhi and her husband, Scott, clash over whether Rakhi should pursue her medical residency in the same city where Scott would be studying economics. Eule also shows readers two romantically entangled doctors, Michele and Ted, as they separate because of the pressures of balancing medicine against the need for more togetherness. In the book s best moments, Eule shows how these residents cope with the brutal hours, the relatively low pay, and the everyday reality of death. "Residents needed to learn how to give bad news to patients," writes Eule, "They needed to know how to tell a family when a loved one had died." What Eule effectively communicates is that being a young doctor places tremendous stress on the doctor, as well as the people who love them. --Chuck Leddy

1 The Matchmaker 92 The R.O.A.D. to Happiness 313 The Rank List 574 Match Day 795 Persian Rugs and Getting Pimped 1006 Becoming Doctor 1167 The Other Important Match in Their Lives 1378 The Intangible Qualities 1599 Two Rules of Medicine 17810 Finding Time For a Life 20011 One Year Down, the Rest of Their Lives to Go 221Notes 251