Matchstick Puzzles

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Author: Jack Botermans

ISBN-10: 1402736991

ISBN-13: 9781402736995

Category: Bar Games & Tricks

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The common wooden matchstick, with its brightly colored tip and sturdy box, has inspired tricks and puzzles ever since it was invented. Here's a collection of the most baffling matchstick puzzles of all time, from the six riddles of the nine squares to the astonishing effect of the matchstick telegraph. Can you build a bridge with just two matches? Can you balance matchstick equations? Can you calculate how many matches you would need to cover the distance from the earth to the moon? With a rating of easy, medium, or difficult for each puzzle and illustrations showing colorful matchbox covers from around the world, this fascinating potpourri of brain-benders will provide hours of amusement for young and old alike.