Mcob Vol 5 Deuterocanocicals/Apocr

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Author: Watson E. Mills

ISBN-10: 0865545103

ISBN-13: 9780865545106

Category: Apocryphal books

Volume five of the Mercer Commentary on the Bible comprises commentaries on the deuterocanonical/apocryphal books which Martin Luther called "useful and good for reading" yet did not consider of the same authority as Scripture. Includes appropriate articles from the equally well-received Mercer Dictionary of the Bible.\ This convenient yet thorough edition is for the classroom and for anyone who wishes to focus study on these particular texts.

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Volume five of the Mercer Commentary on the Bible comprises commentaries on the deuterocanonical/apocryphal books which Martin Luther called "useful and good for reading" yet did not consider of the same authority as Scripture. Includes appropriate articles from the equally well-received Mercer Dictionary of the Bible. This convenient yet thorough edition is for the classroom and for anyone who wishes to focus study on these particular texts.