Medical Entomology: A Textbook on Public Health and Veterinary Problems Caused by Arthropods

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Author: Bruce F. Eldridge

ISBN-10: 1402014139

ISBN-13: 9781402014130

Category: Basic Sciences

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Eldridge and Edman, both of the Department of Entomology at the University of California-Davis' Center for Vectorborne Diseases, first discuss general issues of epidemiology, transmission, disease and vector control, and disease surveillance, then examine in detail the many specific arthropod-borne diseases, in this text for graduate and postgraduate courses in medical, public health, and veterinary entomology. Arthropods themselves are dealt with in two introductory chapters, and later chapters look at the direct impacts that parasitic insects have on human and animal health. In addition to students, the book is of interest to healthcare professionals and entomologists. B&w photos are included. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

ContributorsPrefaceCh. 1Introduction to Medical Entomology1Ch. 2Introduction to Arthropods: Structure, Function and Development13Ch. 3Introduction to Arthropods: Systematics, Behavior and Ecology53Ch. 4Direct Injury: Phobias, Psychoses, Annoyance, Allergies, Toxins, Venoms and Myiasis99Ch. 5Arthropod Transmission of Vertebrate Parasites151Ch. 6The Epidemiology of Arthropodborne Diseases165Ch. 7Malaria, Babesiosis, Theileriosis and Related Diseases187Ch. 8Leishmaniasis and Trypanosomiasis231Ch. 9Filariasis299Ch. 10Bacterial and Rickettsial Diseases377Ch. 11Arbovirus Diseases415Ch. 12Mechanical Transmission of Disease Agents by Arthropods461Ch. 13Surveillance for Arthropodborne Diseases515Ch. 14Management of Arthropodborne Diseases by Vector Control539Ch. 15Prevention and Control of Arthropodborne Diseases565Subject Index621Scientific Names Index645