Michigan: Our Land, Our Water, Our Heritage

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Author: John R. Knott

ISBN-10: 047211641X

ISBN-13: 9780472116416

Category: Hydrology

Michigan was once covered with vast, unbroken forests of pine and hemlock mixed with birch and poplar, and oak savannas marched as far as the eye could see. But in the process of settling the state and exploiting its natural resources, we have drained wetlands, dammed rivers, and cut all but a few remnants of the virgin forests, leaving that untouched Michigan hard to imagine now.\ Yet important steps are being taken to protect Michigan's natural beauty, and the fact that we are able to enjoy...

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An illustrated celebration of the natural treasures of Michigan protected by The Nature Conservancy

\ From Barnes & NobleWith all the doomsday talk of global warming, it's easy to regard environmentalism as a labor of self-preservation, rather than a life-enhancing pursuit of nature. With hundreds of sunlit color photographs and nine essays, Michigan: Our Land, Our Water, Our Heritage renders the wonders and comforts of the state's numerous land conservancies. The gracefully written essays, all penned by local authors, focus on the deeply felt pleasures of experiencing nature intimately.\ \