Milk-Free Kitchen: Living Well Without Dairy Products

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Author: Beth Kidder

ISBN-10: 0805018360

ISBN-13: 9780805018363

Category: Cooking for Allergies

Here is the only all-purpose, appetizers-to-candy cookbook for the millions of Americans who must avoid having milk and milk products in their diets.

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Here is the only all-purpose, appetizers-to-candy cookbook for the millions of Americans who must avoid having milk and milk products in their diets. Publishers Weekly For people afflicted with either dairy allergies or lactose intolerance, substitution has long been the buzzword in cooking. Here Kidder, a biological researcher, shows readers how to use fruit juices, soy milk and tofu in place of dairy products. The result: tasty and satisfying dips and main courses (although many home cooks may not take kindly to some of the soups, which employ canned condensed soups as bases). The biggest challenge is posed by dairy-free baked goods, and Kidder offers many nominations: dairy-free Sacher torte, carrot cake, chocolate mousse, pancakes, waffles, puddings and frostings. She also gives advice on ordering meals in restaurants and on plane trips, and provides a list of food products to avoid, from the most obvious--milk--to the much less so. It would have been helpful to include food breakdowns and calorie counts, as well as a discussion of how to get dietary calcium often lacking in people who follow dairy-free diets. Because some lactose-intolerant folks can tolerate cheeses made from goat's and sheep's milk, several recipes call for these ingredients. (Jan.)

The Milk-Free Kitchen\ Living Well Without Dairy Products \ \ By Beth Kidder \ Holt Paperbacks\ Copyright © 1991 Beth Kidder\ All right reserved.\ ISBN: 9780805018363 \ \ \ The Milk-Free Kitchen\ Living with AllergiesPeople with allergies live in a somewhat different world from the ordinary. Whereas a heart patient can have occasional small amounts of saturated fat without any ill effects, someone who is allergic to a food will know soon and painfully if he or she ate the wrong thing.Living with food allergy implies a whole different way of looking at food. Constant vigilance becomes second nature. People with food allergies have difficulty at buffet meals and learn either to eat beforehand or else contribute a dish. Scrutinizing salads and examining unfamiliar stews become automatic.If you are sensitive to nuts and you mistakenly eat some, your reaction to this accidental dose will range from a mildly upset stomach to something that sends you to the emergency room and might even kill you. Milk presents essentially the same problems as nuts do, except that milk is more widely used in western food than are nuts, and once food has been stirred the milk disappears from sight. I have learned these things as the wife of a man who is severely allergic to nuts and as the mother of two children who became severely allergic to cows' milk in their late teens, and it has colored the way I think about food.With most allergies all you need to do is avoid the offending substance--eliminating nuts or chocolate from your diet, or keepingaway from dogs, or staying indoors during ragweed season, isn't going to hurt you. However, in our culture milk is the main source of valuable nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus (not getting enough of them will hurt you) and you must find out how to deal with this. You will probably need to take calcium pills. It is important for you to get advice from a physician or dietitian.Copyright © 1988, 1991 by Beth Kidder \ \ Continues... \ \ \ \ Excerpted from The Milk-Free Kitchen by Beth Kidder Copyright © 1991 by Beth Kidder. Excerpted by permission.\ All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.\ Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site. \ \

\ From the Publisher"This is the largest and most comprehensive collection of milk-free recipes currently in print . . . A well-designed and easy-to-use cookbook. "-Booklist\ \ \ \ \ Publishers Weekly - Publisher's Weekly\ For people afflicted with either dairy allergies or lactose intolerance, substitution has long been the buzzword in cooking. Here Kidder, a biological researcher, shows readers how to use fruit juices, soy milk and tofu in place of dairy products. The result: tasty and satisfying dips and main courses (although many home cooks may not take kindly to some of the soups, which employ canned condensed soups as bases). The biggest challenge is posed by dairy-free baked goods, and Kidder offers many nominations: dairy-free Sacher torte, carrot cake, chocolate mousse, pancakes, waffles, puddings and frostings. She also gives advice on ordering meals in restaurants and on plane trips, and provides a list of food products to avoid, from the most obvious--milk--to the much less so. It would have been helpful to include food breakdowns and calorie counts, as well as a discussion of how to get dietary calcium often lacking in people who follow dairy-free diets. Because some lactose-intolerant folks can tolerate cheeses made from goat's and sheep's milk, several recipes call for these ingredients. (Jan.)\ \ \ Library JournalThis cookbook features recipes without milk, butter, and other dairy products for those who are either allergic or lactose-intolerant. The author includes simple, not particularly exciting recipes for all courses of a meal, but half the book is devoted to breads and desserts. As it is often most difficult to find (or make) dairy-free baked goods, these alone are worth the price. For all special collections.\ \