Nagarjuna's Precious Garland: Buddhist Advice for Living and Liberation

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Author: Jeffrey Hopkins

ISBN-10: 1559392746

ISBN-13: 9781559392747

Category: Buddhist Life

Nagarjuna is renowned for his penetrating analysis of reality. In the Precious Garland, he offers intimate counsel on how to conduct one's life and how to construct social policies that reflect Buddhist ideals. The advice for personal happiness is concerned first with improving one's condition over the course of lifetimes, and then with release from all kinds of suffering, culminating in Buddhahood. Nagarjuna describes the cause and effect sequences for the development of happiness within...

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In this foundational text of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition, Nagarjuna offers intimate counsel on how to conduct one's life so as to improve one's condition and to gain release from all types of suffering, culminating in Buddhahood.