Nature in the Neighborhood

Library Binding
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Author: Gordon Morrison

ISBN-10: 0618352155

ISBN-13: 9780618352159

Category: Nature

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In a book as beautiful as it is informative, author and nature artist Gordon Morrison reveals the diversity and abundance of life that can be found as nearby as your own backyard. As the seasons change, readers learn how the stories and life cycles of each of the plants and animal families in the neighborhood change too. Filled with lovely, detailed illustrations and overflowing with information, Nature in the Neighborhood invites readers to look closely and enjoy the beauty of nature all around them.Chris Gill - Children's LiteratureSnowmelt on a sidewalk wets soil in a crack and a seed sends out its spring roots. From that one sidewalk crack, we move out to meet the web of life in a whole neighborhood. As time passes, earthworms, robins, squirrels, mourning doves, rabbits, bees, butterflies, frogs, snakes, kestrels, goldfinches, and coyotes make homes, look for food, and raise their young—all in a neighborhood similar to yours or mine. Dandelions, thistle, asters, and goldenrod grow and reproduce. We move through the seasons, beginning and ending with that sidewalk snowmelt. The author formats his children's book as a story with illustrated footnotes. Children can enjoy the main story with the large colorful drawings. They can simply read the fun fact footnotes accompanied by smaller black and white illustrations. Or they can really dig in and read all of the information in these 32 pages. This book extends children's definition of "nature" as "forests, mountains, etc." to include their own backyards and neighborhoods. Some of Morrison's other books are Pond, Oak Tree, and Bald Eagle. 2004, Walter Lorraine Books/Houghton Mifflin Co, Ages 7 to 10.