Nexus: Small Worlds and the Groundbreaking Theory of Networks

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Author: Mark Buchanan

ISBN-10: 0393324427

ISBN-13: 9780393324426

Category: Psychology - Theory, History & Research

As Chaos explained the science of disorder, Nexus reveals the new science of connection and the odd logic of six degrees of separation.\ "If you ever wanted to know how many links connect you and the Pope, or why when the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank sneezes the global economy catches cold, read this book," writes John L. Casti (Santa Fe Institute). This "cogent and engaging" (Nature) work presents the fundamental principles of the emerging field of "small-worlds" theory—the idea that a hidden...

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As Chaos explained the science of disorder, Nexus reveals the new science of connection and the odd logic of six degrees of separation.

\ Richard Stone - Science“The consequences of this new world view are profound—and at times disturbing.”\ \ \ \ \ Science“The consequences of this new world view are profound—and at times disturbing.”— Richard Stone\ \ \ John L. Casti“Finally, a readable, simple explanation of one of the most surprising rules of complex networks.”\ \ \ \ \ Mark Granovetter“[G]raceful, lucid, nontechnical and entertaining prose....A remarkable achievement.”\ \ \ \ \ Richard Stone“Buchanan peels away a veneer of complexity to reveal the simple scaffolding that holds our society together.”\ \