Night Game (Ghostwalkers Series #3)

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Author: Christine Feehan

ISBN-10: 0515139769

ISBN-13: 9780515139761

Category: Contemporary Romance

Gator Fontenot of the Special Forces paranormal squad must reel in the elusive Iris "Flame" Johnson, a victim of the same horrific experiments that warped Gator—and a red-haired weapon of unimaginable destructive powers bent on revenge in the sultry bayous of New Orleans. But can two people haunted by violent betrayals trust the passion that soon ignites between them? Or is one of them just playing another seductive and deadly night game?

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Gator Fontenot of the Special Forces paranormal squad must reel in the elusive Iris "Flame" Johnson, a victim of the same horrific experiments that warped Gator—and a red-haired weapon of unimaginable destructive powers bent on revenge in the sultry bayous of New Orleans. But can two people haunted by violent betrayals trust the passion that soon ignites between them? Or is one of them just playing another seductive and deadly night game?Eternal NightFeehan continues to amaze readers.

He knew where in the shadows to look for a GhostWalker, but even with that knowledge, it took several long minutes of trying to pierce the darkness to spot her. She moved with stealth, flitting from shadow to shadow, bush to tree, avoiding the spill of light pouring from the overhead lamps. She stayed small, arms and hands in close to the body, clothes tight to avoid the whisper of sound. She wore a skullcap to keep any hair from being left behind at the scene. She knew what she was doing as she surveyed the tall wall surrounding the estate. As she moved along the base of the north-facing wall, a dog roared a challenge. She froze, turning her head toward the sound. Abruptly the barking turned to a soft, eager whine. Raoul smiled. Definitely a GhostWalker. He stayed back, careful not to stare at her, not wanting her instincts to detect his presence. He found himself utterly fascinated by her. The woman stared up at the wall, glanced left and right and moved back a few feet. To be safe he sank low, his movements slow so he wouldn't draw her gaze. His breath exploded out of his lungs as she leapt over the wall. There was no doubt left in his mind. She had to be a GhostWalker. Dr. Whitney had used genetic enhancement on her. It was impossible to clear the height of the wall with a straight-up jump. His physical capabilities were enhanced and he hadn't been positive he could take the wall, yet she had gone over it with ease. Gator hurried across the street and waited in the darkness, "feeling" with his mind. She was leery, probably sensing him, but unable to determine just what was tripping her alarms. He waited patiently, frozen in place. He was highly trained, and there were times he'd been locked into position for hours waiting for a target. He could outwait her if necessary. Whatever she was up to had to be time sensitive. The longer she was inside the estate walls, the more danger she was in. Hit, scatter, and run. Even as a child it would have been drilled into her.The moment he sensed she was on the move, he cleared the fence in the exact same spot she had. He hadn't cased the place so it was the only safe spot to go over when he was landing blind on the other side. He landed in a crouch, just in the shadows of the hedges on the other side, automatically calming the guard dog with his mind. He took a cautious look around. The rolling lawns were well manicured, and flowers and plants were grouped in a small area complete with fountains and statues, giving the appearance of a small private park. The house was enormous, two stories with numerous balconies and lots of brick and fancy, scrolled wrought iron. The house even boasted a jutting tower. "Flame, what are you up to?" He whispered the words to himself, thinking of her as Flame rather than Iris. It didn't look like a rendezvous with a wealthy businessman. He ignored the out of character possessive feeling that churned in his gut as his gaze pierced the night to find her. He caught a glimpse of her near the thick vines growing up the side of the house. She moved with stealth, knees bent, carefully placing each foot as she skirted the huge windows. She turned her head suddenly and looked right at him.

\ From Barnes & NobleThe Barnes & Noble Review\ Bestselling author Christine Feehan returns to the world of the GhostWalkers in this powerful paranormal action/thriller involving psychic powers, crackling sexual tension, a fight against evil, and the redemptive force of love. This time out, GhostWalker Raoul "Gator" Fontenot is deputized by Dr. Lily Whitney-Miller to go to New Orleans and bring back Iris "Flame" Johnson, another orphan that Lily's "father" genetically engineered. That experiment left Flame with secret powers (she can use sound as a weapon) but also left her with a cancer that is sure to return. Once Gator finds Flame, they work together to locate another missing young woman; in the process, they uncover evidence that Dr. Whitney may not be dead after all, a development with great significance for future books. As in Mind Game and Shadow Game, Feehan's appealing lead characters are at once strong and surprisingly vulnerable. The relationship between Flame and Gator ranges from scorching sex scenes and issues of trust to a tender moment of love as Flame is recovering from chemo. Gator's family, especially his grandmother, adds another dimension of recovery for Flame. Ginger Curwen\ \ \ \ \ Eternal NightFeehan continues to amaze readers.\ \ \ At the start of bestseller Feehan's suspenseful third GhostWalker novel (after Mind Game), Raoul "Gator" Fontenot, a member of the Special Forces paranormal squad known as the GhostWalkers, is looking for Iris "Flame" Johnson, who, like Gator, was a subject of genetic engineering by the late Dr. Peter Whitney. Though Whitney's treatment left Flame with superior physical strength and hearing, he also used her as a guinea pig, deliberately giving her cancer in order to further his research for a cure. After Gator finds Flame in the steamy bayou country outside New Orleans, the pair team up to search for another young woman who has mysteriously disappeared, as clever assailants dog their every step. Though Flame and Gator are endowed with superhuman skills, this captivating story's paranormal aspects never overshadow the sexual tension between them. Agent, Steve Axelrod at Rowland & Axelrod. (Nov.) Copyright 2005 Reed Business Information.\ \