One-dimensional Functional Equations

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Author: Genrich Belitskii

ISBN-10: 3764300841

ISBN-13: 9783764300845

Category: Mathematical Equations - Functional

The monograph is devoted to the study of functional equations with the transformed argument on the real line and on the unit circle. Such equations systematically arise in dynamical systems, differential equations,\ probabilities, singularities of smooth mappings, and other areas. The purpose of the book is to present modern methods and new results in the subject, with an emphasis on a connection between local and global solvability. The general concepts developed in the book are applicable...

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The monograph is devoted to the study of functional equations with the transformed argument on the real line and on the unit circle. Such equations systematically arise in dynamical systems, differential equations, probabilities, singularities of smooth mappings and other areas. The purpose of the book is to present the modern methods and new results in the subject with an emphasis on a connection between local and global solvability. Some of methods are presented for the first time in the monograph literature. The general concepts developed in the monograph are applicable to multidimensional functional equations.

Preface1Implicit Functions12Classification of One-dimensional Mappings93Generalized Abel Equation774Equations with Several Transformations of Argument1335Linear Equations157Bibliography201Index207