Orthopedic Manual Therapy: An Evidence-Based Approach

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Author: Chad Cook

ISBN-10: 0131717669

ISBN-13: 9780131717664

Category: Chiropractic

Orthopedic Manual Therapy is an evidence based textbook designed to provide examination, treatment and reassessment measures for orthopedic clinicians. The textbook examines current manual therapy approaches, literature associated with examination and treatment techniques involving manual therapy, and evidence regarding diagnostic accuracy of clinical special tests. Each procedure is presented in a step-by-step method with a visual aide or photograph for ease of reproduction.

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Orthopedic Manual Therapy is an evidence based textbook designed to provide examination, treatment and reassessment measures for orthopedic clinicians. The textbook examines current manual therapy approaches, literature associated with examination and treatment techniques involving manual therapy, and evidence regarding diagnostic accuracy of clinical special tests. Each procedure is presented in a step-by-step method with a visual aide or photograph for ease of reproduction.

Ch. 1Orthopedic manual therapy1Ch. 2Orthopedic manual therapy assessment19Ch. 3Orthopedic manual therapy clinical examination35Ch. 4Treatment and reexamination55Ch. 5Medical screening71Ch. 6Manual therapy of the cervical spine93Ch. 7Manual therapy of the temporomandibular joint151Ch. 8Manual therapy of the thoracic spine181Ch. 9Manual therapy of the shoulder complex221Ch. 10Manual therapy of the elbow-wrist-hand295Ch. 11Manual therapy of the lumbar spine357Ch. 12Manual therapy of the sacroiliac joint and pelvis413Ch. 13Manual therapy of the hip461Ch. 14Manual therapy of the knee497Ch. 15Manual therapy of the foot and ankle547