Our Inner Ape

Compact Disc
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Author: Frans de Waal

ISBN-10: 1400101921

ISBN-13: 9781400101924

Category: Psychology - Theory, History & Research

We have long attributed man's violent, aggressive, competitive nature to his animal ancestry. But what if we are just as given to cooperation, empathy, and morality by virtue of our genes? What if our behavior actually makes us apes? What kind of apes are we? From a scientist and writer E. O. Wilson has called "the world authority on primate social behavior" comes a fascinating look at the most provocative aspects of human nature-power, sex, violence, kindness, and morality-through our two...

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Frans de Waal explains why we are who we are through vivid, entertaining stories of politics, sex, violence and kindness. This is an audacious book, an engrossing discourse that proposes thought-provoking and sometimes shocking connections among chimps, bonobos, and those most paradoxical of apes, human beings.

\ From the Publisher"An informative and engaging work that stresses the similarities and differences among humans, bonobos, and chimpanzees." —-Library Journal Starred Review\ \