Pakistan's Drift into Extremism: Allah, the Army and America's War on Terror

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Author: Hassan Abbas

ISBN-10: 0765614979

ISBN-13: 9780765614971

Category: Politics & Islam

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This book examines the rise of religious extremism in Pakistan, and analyzes its connections to Pakistan Army's policies and the fluctuating U.S.-Pakistan relations. It includes profiles of leading Pakistani Jihadi groups with details of their origins, development, and capabilities based on interviews with Pakistani intelligence officials, and operators of the militant groups. The book contains new historical materials on Operation Gibraltar (1965 War with India), conspiracy behind General Zia-ul-Haq's plane crash in 1988, a botched military coup by fundamentalists in army in 1993-4 and lastly about how General Musharraf handled the volatile situation after the 9/11 attacks. Besides General Musharraf's detailed profile, the book evaluates the India-Pakistan relations vis-à-vis the Kashmir conflict, and Dr. A Q Khan's nuclear proliferation crisis. The book offers predictions for Pakistan's domestic and regional prospects. Terrorism Analyst, CNN and author of The Holy War Inc. - Peter Bergen Inside the Secret World of Osama Bin Laden Hassan Abbas has written a book that will be required reading for anyone hoping to understand the dense thicket of Pakistan's jihadist organizations, and the social and political milieu in which they have flourished. Hassan draws on his wide experience as a senior Pakistani police officer and government official, allied to his experience as an academic, to write a book that is nuanced, authoritative and well written. Any student of Pakistan will find Hassan's work richly rewarding.

Foreword: Jessica Stern Preface Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. The Early Years: A Dream Deferred Chapter 3. Ayub Era: Kashmir and the 1965 War with India Chapter 4. General Yahya and the Dismemberment of Pakistan Chapter 5. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto: The Charismatic Chapter 6. General Zia-ul-Haq: The Redefinition of a Country Chapter 7. A Return to Democracy: Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif Chapter 8. General Pervez Musharraf: A Season of HopeChapter 9. Jihadi Outfits: Pakistan's Rent-a-Son AgenciesChapter 10. 9/11 and the War on TerrorChapter 11. The Road AheadIndex