Passing Performances: Queer Readings of Leading Players in American Theater History

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Author: Robert A. Schanke

ISBN-10: 0472096818

ISBN-13: 9780472096817

Category: Actors & Actresses - Biography

Passing Performances gathers a range of critical and biographical essays on notable personalities whose major contributions to the stage occurred before 1969, the year of the Stonewall riots that kicked off the gay rights movement in the United States. How these theater practitioners variously "passed"-- i.e., managed unconventional sexual inclinations both on- and offstage--significantly determined the course of their personal and professional lives and thus the course of U.S. theater...

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Recovers the hidden history of theater professionals who transgressed gendered expectations of their time

Introduction1"My Noble Spartacus": Edwin Forrest and Masculinity on the Nineteenth-Century Stage19"Such a Romeo as We Had Never Ventured to Hope For": Charlotte Cushman41Bohemian on Horseback: Adah Isaacs Menken63Rebels of Their Sex: Nance O'Neil and Lizzie Borden83A Lesbian Marriage of Cultural Consequence: Elisabeth Marbury and Elsie de Wolfe, 1886-1933104Alla Nazimova: "The Witch of Makeup"129Elsie Janis: "A Comfortable Goofiness"151Staging Heterosexuality: Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne's Design for Living175Kit and Guth: A Lavender Marriage on Broadway197Webster without Tears: A Daughter's Journey221Cheryl Crawford: One Not So Naked Individual239Monty Woolley: The Public and Private Man from Saratoga Springs262Mary Martin: Washin' That Man Right Outta Her Hair283Joseph Cino and the First Off-Off-Broadway Theater303Contributors325Index329