Pension Dumping: The Reasons, the Wreckage, the Stakes for Wall Street

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Author: Fran Hawthorne

ISBN-10: 1576602397

ISBN-13: 9781576602393

Category: Bankruptcy Law

Fran Hawthorne, author of Pension Dumping, is a recipient of the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants award for Excellence in Financial Journalism for 2009—the first year books have been honored.\ \ Pension plans in America no longer represent commitments that financially troubled companies will honor. Neither bankruptcy courts, nor Washington, nor unions have the clout to make them do so. The disposition of these plans is instead left to serve the needs of big investors....

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A penetrating look at the practice of ending pension plans: who stands to win or lose, and how that happens

Acknowledgments     xiIntroduction     xiiiThe ReasonsThe Dispensable Pension Plan     3Last in Line: The Retiree     13Pension-Free and Ready to Compete-Or Not?     23The LawsWriting the Rules     37Failure's Fallout: LTV and Other Precedents     51The Bankruptcy Court Minuet     61The InvestorsHow Investors Play the Game     85The Signs of Failure     101Pensionless Restructuring     125The Emergence of US Airways     149The Reemergence of US Airways     157The FutureThe Problem Continues     171The Next to Fail     183The Politics     195Notes     211Index     225