Pit Bulls for Dummies

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Author: D. Caroline Coile

ISBN-10: 0764552910

ISBN-13: 9780764552915

Category: Dogs

Pit Bulls have an image problem. If you’ve never been around Pit Bulls, you may think they are bloodthirsty man-eaters on the prowl for their next meal. If you’ve lived with one you know they are, indeed, on the prowl for their next meal – but they plan to get it by conning you out of your meal by doing something irresistibly cute! A breed of satin and steel, Pit Bulls are a mixture of softness and strength, an uncanny canine combination of fun, foolishness, and serious business.\ If you...

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A no-bull owner's manual for the nations's most misunderstood breed! Contrary to sensationalistic reports in the media, Pit Bulls are affectionate, good-natured, and reliable dogs that make great family pets. This friendly guide shows readers how to choose and raise a Pit Bull puppy, walking them step by step through training and offering simple solutions to behavioral problems. It offers: * A description of breed characteristics and help for readers determining whether the breed is right for them * Authoritative coverage of nutrition and exercise * Information about anti-dog legislation and how it affects Pit Bull Owners Author: Dr. Coile is the author of German Shepherds for Dummies and the Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds, and is a winner of the Dog Writer's Association of America's Maxwell and Denlinger awards. Internet Book Watch Pit Bulls are often misunderstood by the general public as being a threatening, violent, hazardous, uncontrollable canine breed. The truth is that the Pit Bull is affectionate, pleasant-natured animal that can make a wonderful family pet and reliable canine companion if trained correctly. Pit Bulls For Dummies covers every aspect ranging from choosing the right Pit Bull, socializing the new puppy, maintaining good health and diet, exercise, dealing with common behavioral problems, and much more. If you have a Pit Bull or are contemplating acquiring one, the Pit Bulls For Dummies is the most "user friendly" instruction manual you can choose to insure a happy, safe and satisfying relationship for both owner and dog.

Introduction.PART I: Tough Love.Chapter 1: Pitting and Petting: The Pit Bull's Past.Chapter 2: Sizing Up the Pit Bull.Chapter 3: Deciding If It's Bully for You.Chapter 4: Shopping the Bull Market.PART II: Your Pet Bull.Chapter 5: Pit Projects.Chapter 6: Living with Your Pit Bull.PART III: Good Bull!Chapter 7: Coping with a Pit Bull Terrorist.Chapter 8: Training the Teacher's Pit.Chapter 9: Going Out to the Bull Games.PART IV: The Fit Pit.Chapter 10: Feeding a Bottomless Pit Bull.Chapter 11: Primping Your Pit Bull.Chapter 12: A Clean Bull of Health.Chapter 13: Sick as a Dog.Chapter 14: Pit Bull First Aid.Chapter 15: Staying Well Up in Years.PART V: The Part of Tens.Chapter 16: More Than Ten Pit Bull Resources.Chapter 17: Ten Ways to Help the Pit Bull's Reputation.Index.Book Registration Information.

\ Pit Bulls are often misunderstood by the general public as being a threatening, violent, hazardous, uncontrollable canine breed. The truth is that the Pit Bull is affectionate, pleasant-natured animal that can make a wonderful family pet and reliable canine companion if trained correctly. Pit Bulls For Dummies covers every aspect ranging from choosing the right Pit Bull, socializing the new puppy, maintaining good health and diet, exercise, dealing with common behavioral problems, and much more. If you have a Pit Bull or are contemplating acquiring one, the Pit Bulls For Dummies is the most "user friendly" instruction manual you can choose to insure a happy, safe and satisfying relationship for both owner and dog.\ \