Premerger Coordination: The Emerging Law of Gun Jumping and Information Exchange

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Author: William R. Vigdor

ISBN-10: 1590315251

ISBN-13: 9781590315255

Category: Antitrust Law

Identifying the precise line between lawful premerger coordination and unlawful gun jumping under the relevant statutes can be challenging - in part because there is limited guidance available for counseling purposes. This volume provides both (1) the theoretical underpinnings for distinguishing lawful premerger coordination and unlawful gun jumping and (2) practical advice, drawing upon a variety of resources.

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Identifying the precise line between lawful premerger coordination and unlawful gun jumping under the relevant statutes can be challenging - in part because there is limited guidance available for counseling purposes. This volume provides both (1) the theoretical underpinnings for distinguishing lawful premerger coordination and unlawful gun jumping and (2) practical advice, drawing upon a variety of resources.